Friday, May 20, 2011

Last Day of School" Where Did the Time Go?

It's hard to believe that schools out for the summer. Harder yet to believe is that next fall we will have a Freshman in High School, a Sixth Grader and a First Grader. Really, just yesterday Mr. C was dreaming of the day he could take his Thomas the Tank Engine backpack to 3 Year Old Preschool.

This year just flew by. Kindergarten days are now over for our family forever. Impossible.

Look at those first day of school pictures from August. They look so little, so tan, so nervous. The look on the last day is way more relaxed, ecstatic really. Donuts before school on the last day is a tradition started way back in C's preschool days. A way to start the celebration and originally to kill some time before school started. Junior High means that Miss M and Mr C were up early and at the local donut shop by 7:00 p.m. Miss A's crew of friends had until 8 a.m. before they hit the shop.

Mr. C's last day of eight grade involved a field trip to a local amusement park. Sadly, it rained on and off and by the time Mr. C came home he was soaked. If only the photo could show you how much darker his shorts were at the end of the day that when he left that morning. WET! He had a great last day, but told me he's a little sad to think he won't see many of these kids again. I'm sure once school starts in the fall all the sadness will be replaced with new friends, experiences, and challenges.

Miss M and Dad had a Date Night to celebrate the end of the year including a trip to an indoor Ferris Wheel. My husband was a little shocked at the current state of "girl" fashion and told Miss M she should be grateful that her mom lets her shop at some of the stores at the mall. Guess he's become even more "modest" in his tastes for his daughters than I am. Actually, I think his actual phrase was "hooter girl clothing"

This is the first year that I didn't get the official "last day" photo on the front porch. Something about the fact that it was raining and cold and damp. Perfect last day of school and beginning of summer don't you think?
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