Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Boys Turn at the Series

After the girls had such a fabulous day at the College World Series, it only seemed right that the boys had a chance to have some fun too.  So on Sunday afternoon while the girls and I took in the movie Mirror Mirror, the boys, C's friend and his father, and Nana and Papa went to the Arizona Game.

Of course the boys had to take in a little of Fan Fest too, but I think their hitting contest was a little more competitive and they took the games a little more seriously.  Boys and Baseball; there really isn't anything more American. 

Even the Dads had fun.  Rumor has it that P has even given some kudos to a school that is not Texas. He really liked the Arizona Wildcats and became good friends with one of their fans and their mascot. That is him with Wilbur.  I hope that Bevo is not thinking of getting P the axe now that he's been eyeing a cat. In reality, I think he liked Arizona as much for their play on the field as their attitude off the field.

Miss A who also saw an Arizona game feel in love with one of the players on the team.  His name alone made you think baseball. I mean can you beat the last name Field when you are a ballplayer?  She kept saying Infield / Outfield - Johnny Field because he played both.

I was thrilled to read that the Arizona coach, Andy Lopez is a really strong Christian and when the Wildcats won the Championship that he kept it all in perspective. Pretty impressive for a guy whose won twice with two teams.  Love it when the "good guys" win!

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