Friday, April 22, 2011

It's Friday but Sunday's Comin'

Today is Good Friday. The day that Jesus paid the ultimate sacrifice. Explaining to Miss A today why we call it Good, when its the day that Jesus died on the cross was challenging. She decided that it was a weird name to remember this day by. I explained that it's good because we know the rest of the story. We know the great news about Sunday. We believe in Easter. Glorious Resurrection Day. Evil Defeated. New Life in Christ. The real reason why this is such a "Good Friday."

When Mr. C was little, he learned the song, "God's Not Dead, No He is Alive" and, for weeks after Easter Sunday, he would sing it all the time. His little three year old voice proclaiming the message of the great news, He is Risen!

Sometimes it's easy to gloss over the Easter story, to only focus on the joy and ignore the agony and sorrow of Good Friday. Too often I live in the promise of Easter in my own little world of Christians and forget that many of the world doesn't know my Savior.

I don't want to get out my comfort zone and share the good news with others. I figure someone else will do it. Yesterday, I was convicted that people in my own little world are dying without knowing Jesus. I don't want to offend others. I don't want to be uncomfortable

Isn't that what Easter is all about, getting uncomfortable. How can I not realize that by failing to live my faith out loud in those uncomfortable moments, I'm offending Jesus. I'm not being authentic. My faith should not be like a piece of clothing that I put on and off. I can't be lukewarm.

This year I want to live out Easter everyday. I want to live in the joy of Easter and share that joy with others. Because today might be Friday, but Sunday's coming and I want to make sure everyone in my life celebrates that glorious truth. He is Risen. He is Risen Indeed! Happy Easter.

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