Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Celebrating the Hustle and Bustle Too Often Pushes the Christ Child Away

We are preparing for another "blast of winter" right in time for Christmas. Let's just say we won't be dreaming of a "White Christmas" as we'll have the real thing.

As a result, the stores are busting with people. None of them look too happy. Granted, I've not seen any real pushing and shoving, but the look on some peoples' faces could scare small children. No one looks like the Holiday Spirit is really flowing through them!

Yesterday, Miss M was trying to "secretly purchase" a gift for her brother. As she stood in line with her hot little cash in hand, two separate adults cut in front of her. She didn't really notice until another mother and her child tried to do the same. When we left she said, "some people aren't really happy about Christmas are they mom?"

At Target later that afternoon, I was finishing up my Christmas shopping and getting groceries when I ran into even grumpier people. A lady in the Produce section huffed and puffed at me when my cart was left over by the asparagus while I was bagging apples across the aisle. I jokily said, "Guess I need to take my cart with me" and she did not laugh.

In the stocking stuffer aisle, I asked an employee who was taking down Christmas stuff if he was really putting out Valentine's candy already and he just huffed at me. I'm just doing my job.! I wished him a Merry Christmas to lighten the mood and he did not seem pleased.

My checkout person looked about ready to collapse, sad, depressed, and at her whit's end. When I asked how her day was going she said, "not well, everyone is so crabby." We joked about the "real Christmas spirit" and how lacking it is today. I told her that too often I think people are crabby about not "getting Christmas perfect," not getting what they want out of the "holiday," and not meeting their own expectations and those of others.

As she rang up my purchases, I thought about how often I get upset that I'm not making Christmas perfect in our house. How my decorations aren't perfect. My wrapping job is not fancy and the gifts aren't exactly what everyone wants. I'm not baking pies or giving out Christmas cookies to all the neighbors.

But the Spirit of Christmas, the Christ Child born in a manger, His spirit is alive and well in our home. From the Nativity in our Family room to the Jesse Tree ornaments on the kitchen counter to the Advent Wreath on our table, He is here! Christ among us.

We celebrate His birthday this Christmas. Sure, we still get the gifts, the food, and the Rice Pudding surprise, but hopefully this Christmas He'll get the Praise and the Joy and the Peace. At a "Happy Birthday Jesus Party" yesterday afternoon, C said the prayer before Lunch. His words nearly moved me to tears. He asked God to remind us that He is what this Christmas is all about, to remind us not to lose that part of Christmas this year.

Too often in the hustle and bustle of the days before Christmas, we lose that little baby in the manger...please God help "this family" keep that in our hearts first!

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