Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Spring Weekend: Same Song Different Verse

Once we find something we like or a restaurant we enjoy, we tend to go back over and over again. Call us traditionalists. Knowing that P's parents enjoy Mexican food and claim that you can't get any good Tex Mex in Chicagoland, we knew we'd have to take them to our new "fav" cantina!

The fact that the weather was fabulous and we had a few hours to kill before the big fundraiser at C's school, we decided we should go to the Art Museum Saturday morning and then go out for lunch on the patio again.  It was perfect.

While the art museum was crowded, we took in the outdoor exhibits and open space. Miss A played a game of chase with her father, Miss M strolled among the art taking in the beauty, and Mr C tried out his new cell phone ( his mother might have washed his previous one!) and we all couldn't believe it was still only March.

It was a perfect Saturday afternoon.  We had a fabulous lunch, enjoyed the conversation and just soaked up the rays on the patio.  I think that Mr C is trying to figure out how he could get a condo at the complex and see not only the sights of downtown from his bedroom, but order Catina takeout every night for dinner.  Maybe this will be our trump card to get our son to stay in our hometown after college.

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