Monday, September 19, 2011

His "Signature Look" for Fall 2011

This is not normally a fashion blog nor am I a fashionista, but for today I'm going cutting edge and debuting Mr C's fall fashion "must have."  After an exhaustive search or at least an afternoon of shopping for fall clothing, Mr C has decided on his favorite style for fall or as he calls it his "Signature Style."

His go to look this fall is the sweater vest with a bow tie. Perfect.  Not only will it fit the dress code which is a tie with a collared long sleeve shirt, it will allow him to show a little personality. Plus, as a child of the 80's myself, I must admit I swoon for the idea of having a preppy looking son.  Looks like all those hours of reading the plaid Preppy Handbook paid off!

Mr C and I had a fun afternoon of shopping on Friday as it appears that since the last time he wore long pants (it's shorts and golf shirts until October 1st), he's grown another few inches. Either that or the "laundry fairy" has been shrinking all his pants.  Good thing the mom waited until it was almost pant season before buying all the clothes for school.  Thankfully, he now has some dress pants and khakis along with two fabulous Bow Ties to wear.  We even scored a purple stripped dress shirt which according to Mr C, makes the black vest and black bow tie rockin.

Mr C's sisters would like to point out that not only does he really look swell in his "signature look," he's less likely to spill his lunch on a bow tie than a regular tie. I'm not sure I agree.  The bow tie is very close to his mouth!

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