Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Next Time I'm Wearing a Hard Hat and Other Lessons

It's very quiet in the house today.  School has started for everyone and its seems as if its all going well.  I have pictures to document the new year and funny stories to share, but its just the first day for Mr. C so I'm waiting until I get the scoop first.  Miss A and Miss M have already two days under their belt and according to A the school year is just flying by.  You'll just have to wait.

First, I've learned a few lessons over the summer I thought I would share. List form is always best I've decided for lessons.  It takes me back to my college days and meticulous note taking from lectures.  Don't get me started.

1.  I might want to wear a Hard Hat when I mow the lawn.  Today was a little like Hitchcock's The Birds movie in my backyard.  A barn swallow (think HUGE bird or maybe not) was dive bombing me.  At least that's what is seemed like.  He wanted the fresh "bugs," but he kept coming in so close to my head I had to duck.   Then he decided to bring along four friends. It was a dive bombing party.  I was not a happy guest.

2. A few weeks ago while mowing I almost gave my neighbor a heart attack I screamed so loud!  A huge rabbit ran across my shoes as it escaped from behind the air conditioner.  My neighbor came running to see if I've run over my foot with the mower!  No, I'm just afraid of small little "rodent like animals."

3.  Mr C learned to mow the lawn this summer, but that might be a slight exaggeration.  He mowed at least six rows of the lawn; all flat, in the open areas and only on cool days.  His excuse for not doing more; football conditioning every day, two weeks of camp and of course the need to chill.  Next summer, it's all yours buddy.  There will be no more coddling from your mother.

4.  I've decided that mowing the lawn is really good for your skin.  It's like a little pore cleansing session every time.  You sweat out all the bad stuff, shower off the dead layer of skin, and you even get a great farmers tan.  I'm not sure it's good exercise as I can only run so fast behind the mower and the hills I push it up aren't really that steep, but on really humid days you feel like you've run a marathon.

5.  Finally, I really meant to have my lawn mowed for back to school pictures, but life just got in the way and I didn't want to waste the last precious moments of summer mowing.  I'd rather be running around like crazy to Target, haircuts, football practice and the lake.  I have my priorities in order plus my front porch plants are dead anyway so I'll be photo shopping the pictures to make it look like I'm a good gardener and lawn care person.

Who says you can't learn things over summer vacation. 

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