Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Trophy Time! Watch Out World.

Look out library books everywhere! This girl now has her sight word trophy!!
Miss A was beaming Friday afternoon when I picked her up at school. Clutched in her tight little mitten clad hands was the amazing 75 Sight Words Trophy. Finally, she'd mastered the difference between "saw" and "was" and had achieved her goal.
Of course, it was Sonic Time. Mom even splurged for chicken tenders when she heard how little Miss A had eaten at lunch. You see, Miss A was convinced that the soft shell taco would come with just cheese and after much discussion I decided to let her learn that, "mom knows best." Poor Miss A had only eaten a taco shell, jello and milk.
Poor girl was starving. I'm not sure how she had survived the Sight Word test. She must be able to overcome rumbling tummies for a trophy.
If you are wondering why it looks like Miss A is up for Miss America pageant in the photos, it because Saturday morning was "dress up day" and Miss M did a messy bun for her sister along with a little makeup. Miss A, of course, wanted it to look like she was a Rock Star accepting the award!!
A post for a later date will explain how I even ended up in Goodwill Saturday afternoon looking at more dress up dresses. An experience that I'm not sure I've survived yet! Miss M is however anxious to go back!

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