Saturday, January 22, 2011

Have Laptop, Will Blog Anywhere

I'm blogging to you from my family room. On my brand new laptop. Woop Woop.
You could say that yesterday was a Stellar Day; Bible study with some of my favorite people, movie rentals for a sleepover party, and then I was off to Best Buy to purchase my laptop. With the support of my "technical advisor," I knew exactly what I was looking for and the price I should be paying. When the price on the sticker was a little higher, I was even able to talk them down to my price. Wireless Router in hand, I walked out to my car feeling like I was the tech savvy gal I've always dreamed of.

Then to make the best day ever, I headed to Lowes to pick up the "Paint" for the family room/kitchen redo that starts today.

Really, can it get any better than this? This is where I could tell you about the slumber party I went to yesterday or the secret agent work I participated in last night, but I think those events deserve their own special blog posting.

Today, thanks to my "technical advisor," the husband of a good friend, we are now up and running wirelessly. I can't even tell you what a blessing it is to know people who know stuff!

Off to figure out how this HP works ! I'm loving my new freedom!

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