Sunday, January 31, 2010

Rearranging A Few Things: Who Knew It Could Be Fun.

Yesterday, we moved the furniture in our family room around just for fun. We tried to figure out different configurations of the couch, chairs, and tables. Not all of the furniture, like the 900 pound entertainment center, moves so we had to use our imaginations a little bit, too.

We were trying to figure out where to put the new television, and what side of the room the TV would look the best. Considering there is a huge fireplace and bookcase on one side of the room and the Kitchen and eating area on the other, we are somewhat landlocked or limited in our choices.

However, this did not stop us from having many different ideas. C was so bold as to say that he learned in his Tech & Living Class that all furniture must not go against a "wall." It can "float." What are they teaching kids these days?

My suggestion, of course, requires painting of the walls including the kitchen and maybe looking at the room from a whole new "view" while my husband at first was stuck in his ways and thought we should 1) remove old TV and old Entertainment Unit and 2) put new TV and new Entertainment unit in the same spot. In other words, not change it all.

However, as I kept pushing and moving the furniture around, he started to see things differently (read my way!) and we're ready to make some big changes in the room. Or big things on a very limited budget (new TV and new Entertainment Unit are the only new pieces of furniture for now) which basically means moving the furniture and planning to paint this spring!

After 10 years in our house, it's exciting to think we might be changing it up a little bit around here. It was fun to move the "old" furniture around and see it in different light. Everything old is new again when you look at things in a new way.

Now, I'm the first to admit I'm no Nester. I don't have a flare for decorating. I love my house, but it's not my first love or probably in the top five of things I desire to spend my time or energy on at this time in my life. It's a wonderful home, and while I try to keep it up and looking presentable, it's far from hip or perfect. However, it works for us. It's a haven to come home to and probably the place the rest of my family loves to spend most of its time. Until recently, I loved spending most of my time "out" doing something rather than hanging out at home. I'm now beginning to love being at home as well!

With our "new" family room taking shape this winter, I'm even more excited to spend some time with the family watching movies, having popcorn, and just hanging out!! I'll keep you posted on the changes.

PS: The funniest thing happened as we moved the furniture around yesterday. Miss M, who had been at a sleepover, came home and saw our "mess" with our furniture facing the blank wall and our chairs in front of the current TV. Her comment: "I think I like it. Do you think we should turn those chairs around when we want to watch TV now or have we decided not to have TV in the family room anymore!"

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