Saturday, November 6, 2010

Seventeen Years

Seventeen years ago today, November 6, 1993 at 10:00 in the morning, I married my best friend. The years have gone by in the blink of an eye, yet, in so many ways, it seems like just yesterday.

Looking at the pictures today in an old white photo album with sticky pages, I can't believe how young and innocent we were.
How grateful I am to have that photo of my grandparents standing beside us on that day. Today, all three of my grandparents are in Heaven.
On our first Anniversary, Paul and I returned to Zion Lutheran Church for Sunday morning worship. We sat by my grandparents who had been married over fifty years. Zion was the church that my parents and brother and sister-in-law were married and which my grandparents were long time members. It was the eve of Election Day 1994 and I was in the midst of working on a political campaign. Later that day, we would canvas our neighborhood for my candidate. I'm not sure Paul knew what he had signed up for the year before!
Those first few years of career building and life building had so many joys and sorrows, but they build in us a solid foundation of faith and love. Raising a family and "doing life together" have brought more joys and heartbreak, but having Paul walk beside me has made it all worth it.
Thanks honey for 17 great years. I can't wait to see what the next two decades are like.
Love You A & F.

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