Monday, September 17, 2012

Fall Family Fun: Apple Picking

There is something marvelous about walking through an Apple Orchard among the trees and the fallen apples that awakens in you a love of fall.  It's as if you taste the season, feel it's warmth, and embraced by the beauty of God's World.  At least that's how I felt when my family and I spent the day at a nearby apple farm and enjoyed wandering through the rows of Winesap, Fuji, and Golden Delicious apples.

We not only got to pick a small bushel of apples to take home, but as we walked through the beautiful golden leaves falling off the trees,we got a glimpse at the beauty all around us.  It was as if it was just waiting for us to take all of it in. Our amazing day spent doing "all things fall" was just what our family needed after a busy few weeks of school and assorted activities.

Nothing beats watching your kids grab "apple picker" poles and reach for the highest apples.  I loved hearing them crunch on yet another type of apple to make sure they are picking the right kind.  Who knew that Winesap are the best for lunch boxes and snacks.  Golden Delicious are the best for apple pies and Fuji's are Miss A's favorite of all, but only the really red ones.

Sure we did the normal apple farm events, sitting on haystacks and walking over bridges trying to capture the same scene from the year before.  There were hammock making races, boys stuck in logs and giggling over a mother who thought that a small animal hat built a door in a tree trunk.  Then to make the afternoon "perfect," we had apple pie, apple slushes, and Carmel apples that left our tummies happy and our fingers sticky.

Fall how I love thee!  These are the moments I will store away in my heart for years to come.

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