Sunday, October 25, 2009

Funny Things I've Heard This Week

As usual, my kids were filled with funny words and actions this week. During a week that we hardly have seen any sunshine, it's been nice to have laughter. I hate to say it's been a gloomy week, but this morning as A was sitting at the kitchen counter eating breakfast, she asked me to close the blinds as the "brightness is getting to me." Guess she forgot what Mr. Sunshine looked like. Not to worry though, his trip to our house was short lived and it's gloomy again!

C had his first 7th and 8th Grade Boy/Girl Dance after school on Friday. He was going, but not taking anybody (girl, which I am very OK with). He was maybe going to dance with girls, but there was a "no touching rule" enforced. (Again, OK by me)

When my husband picked him up from the dance, he said he'd hung out with a bunch of friends, danced in big groups, and that he had seen a few girls. I think he might have said something about dancing with his friend Chad. "Oh, not what I meant" he said. A bunch of boys danced together. Oh, whatever! We danced and I had some great moves.

He then said that some of the music the DJ played, "worked great with my moves." When asked to elaborate there was something about arm swinging, legs moving inward, and such. Let's just say when he showed them off to me, I had the best laugh of my week. Here I had suggested he fox trot and waltz like he'd learned at Cotillion last year and he'd laughed at me. He might have been better off.

M has been a wonderful "mother's helper" this weekend with Miss A. Playing nicely with her, letting her have her way in playing Princess Monopoly, picking movies to watch, and painting her fingernails. Her little nursing skills have encouraged A to take her medicine, not touch her ear, and to say "it's OK" when we put in A's cotton balls.

However I wondered about her nursing future, when she suggested we use a little nail polish remover on A's eyelid. Guess A was picking at her nails and had a fleck pf polish on her eye. M's suggestion was to "close your eye tight, I'll just put a dab of polish remover on your eye. It won't hurt a bit." Caught that one just in the nick of time!

My parents took M and C to a football game yesterday to help pass the day. They had a great time, but I loved hearing M's take on what happened at the game. It was all about the people, the snacks, and the door prize they won. C's response was that it was cold, the food was overpriced, and that the team was losing when they left. Boy, did that ever sound like his dad. Guess girls and boys do take in different aspects of a sporting event. M never made mention of the "game."

A has cracked us up this week too with her ideas about the surgery, hospital, and what she can and can't do. I think a few times I might have heard her say it's too hard to pick up these toys, it hurts my ears! She's also already asked if we have plans to go back to "her hospital" as this time she didn't get to eat in the cafeteria. I said maybe for a visit someday, but not for a stay!!

Yesterday she got a picture in the mail from her best friend at Preschool. T had drawn a great little picture and wrote a note wishing A a quick recovery. She signed it your best friend. A's reaction; how did she know she's my best friend, I don't remember telling her!

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