This week not only included a weekend away for half our family (the dad was left to solo parent and paint our basement), it also included a trip to our Pediatric Dentist for checkups. Let's just say those moments alone allow for memorable sayings to fly out of my kids lips.
Since A seems to get the most playtime around the blog, I'll start with her. However, her siblings overachieved with their one liners.
A: "Too bad you aren't going to Colorado with us C, we have Bubble Gum and Mountains. You've just got school"
About returning to Preschool after a short break, I asked if her teachers would remember her. Her response, "Yeah Mom, they've known me forever, or at least 100 days. How could they forget me after a few days? " You are right A, how could anyone forget you?
When I told her we had Dentist appointments today, she said "Don't tell M. She'll just cry." Then the moment M got in the car yesterday after school, A blares out loudly "Ha Ha you have to go to the Dentist tomorrow!"
Now on to her big brother:
When I told C that I would need to pick him up during school Wednesday morning for our Dentist appointment, he quickly calculated that it would be in middle of Human Gross Development (otherwise known as Human Growth and Development). He was thrilled. Then he said, "I can't believe that going to the Dentist is finally better than what I'm missing. Now don't be late picking me up."
His checkup was stellar and the Dentist commented on how he was such a nice young man. She even suggested he might want to come along with his middle sister when she has to have 4 teeth pulled for moral support. His response, "I'm not good with things like that, send A instead."
When I mentioned that maybe we could arrange it during Human Growth, he said "Nah, there is only one week left of that class. I like everything else"
C is now trying to talk us into letting him get out of Boy Scout Summer Camp in June He is begging to go to Church Camp instead. At first, I was so thrilled that he was choosing Jesus over friends until my husband pointed out that they stay in cabins with indoor bathrooms at Church Camp and not tents.
Here I thought it was for the "mountaintop experience" and it's really just for the air conditioning and indoor plumbing.
C joined the Math Club this week. He wants to be in more Math Competitions. When I asked him who was in the club, he named a few of the boys and the lone 7th grade girl. I didn't recognize one of the names and he clarified that he was the boy from the other team that "looked smart." I asked him what that meant and he commented that you could just tell he was smart. A lot like you then I said. "No" he said "I'm cool smart." There is a competition the end of the month and C is already excited except for the fact it's after school. He said that takes away some of the fun as missing school should be part of any math competition. Yeah, you'd hate to stay in school to learn things that might help with the test!!
Finally Poor M:
The Dentist really robbed her of her joy today saying she needs to have 4 teeth pulled. She was crying and nervous just hearing the report. When she calmed down a little, I asked if she was nervous it might hurt or what was the issue. She's worried that she'll have a huge hole in her mouth, no money from the tooth fairy, and that it will hurt a ton. When I said she'd get money, and probably extra money for these teeth, she seemed a little better. But her best line of all is that maybe we could just start working on those four teeth and get them loose on their own. I said how about a softball to the mouth. She looked seriously at me thinking deeply then finally said, no the dentist might be less painful!
M however cracked me up the most this past week studying for the States/Capitols Test. Last week, it was the East Coast and she did great only switching NJ and MA around. But she got the Capitols right so half credit. We both agreed that the East Coast is hard. Too many little states in a small area. What was really funny was how she kept trying to understand the island of Manhattan and how it's part of NY but looks like it's own state. That's too confusing she said. Guess you could say she's a Midwest Girl who is used to huge states that could swallow Manhattan and still have room.
This week it's the Southern States. We were working on them yesterday at Piano and she loves that three states in a row could almost spell her initials. MAG. We stretch out her first name and then it's her middle name. It's almost a nickname she goes by. Too bad we can't learn our directions first; she's really confused by South and North and West and tried repeatedly to call Virginia, East Virgina, and when that did not work she said how about Up Virginia or Down Virgina. Oh honey, we need to study maps at Girl Scouts. You'll be lost in the woods with only up and down to go by.
Now I realize that my husband is cracking up reading this thinking that his wife has no sense of direction; still looks at her hand for the L to see if it's left or right. My response is that I thought those "math, science and direction genes were coming from my husband."
1 comment:
Oh my gosh - M takes after her mother. I remember walking up to Burke with you one morning and you had a Geography test - I asked you if you studied and you said, "No!" as if it was the silliest question you had ever heard. You crack me up. Oh and the memories from our typing class together - so funny!
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