I've Been Tagged-Yippee!!!
I've never been tagged before. In fact so few people read my blog I don't even have seven people to send this back too who know me or have ever been here.It's so exciting.
Seven Random things. No problem. Lately, my whole life has been filled with random things.
1) I have lived in one state my whole life. Went away to college, but it was in the same state. Traveled a lot here in USA and abroad but have never had an address that did not have NE in it!
2) I used to work in the political field; before kids and marriage. I've met Presidents, Senators, Governors, etc. It was exciting, but I don't think I realized how exciting until I look back. My candidates always seem to lose the election, but I am figuring that it was not my fault.
3) One time in my political life, I worked as a personal aide to a female governor. We were on a commuter plane ride across state to a parade, and I had a Big Gulp before we got on the plane. Let’s say the fog at the airport was quite heavy. When the plane finally landed (1 hour late after circling and circling) the door flew open and I ran for the terminal. The State Patrol officer aboard cleared the way. What class!!!
4) I am petrified of snakes, mice etc. That's why I take the Girl Scout camping in Lodges. No bugs or critters.
5) As a child, I was allergic to chocolate. It is still not my favorite, but I will hunt down Chuckles in every gas station on a road trip. Nothing stands between me and candy that claims "Even it's name means fun".
6) Pregnancy and I do not get along. I love the child to be and am anxious to have it in my arms, but between the constant throwing up and the feeling like I'm going to throw up the only pregnant glow I ever got was the flush of the gag. Delivery was wonderful. Maybe it was the drugs.
7) My husband and I don't fight much, except about College Football. We are both Big 12 Fans. Texas and Nebraska. Let's say he's had more to cheer about lately, but get real he lives here in Cornhusker territory and should switch alliances to the Big Red. Burnt Orange is an ugly college color. He's so going to kill me!!
Now that I have revealed some deep meaningful things about myself it's your turn. I tag 7 random people. All of these women have so much Godly wisdom. I love to read their blogs.
Kim at httphttp://mercydays.blogspot.com/ ( she's the one who encouraged me to start this blog)
Erin at http://embracingmycup.blogspot.com/ (deep faith and a fellow public school mom too)Katrina at http://www.callapidderdays.com/ ( loves books as much as me)
Mary Beth at http://www.marybethwhalen.com/ ( great wisdom and her recipes rock)
Bev at http://www.lifeofgrits.blogspot.com/ ( my knitting advisor, this is her new home)
Wendy at http://swbbm.blogspot.com/ ( fellow Midwesterner-picture lover)
Linda at http://2nd-cup-of-coffee.blogspot.com/ ( My husband loves Muncie I love Linda's humor)
Thanks to Shalee at http://shaleesdiner.com/ for tagging me for this fun activity.
If you participate let me know....
I've never been tagged before. In fact so few people read my blog I don't even have seven people to send this back too who know me or have ever been here.It's so exciting.
Seven Random things. No problem. Lately, my whole life has been filled with random things.
1) I have lived in one state my whole life. Went away to college, but it was in the same state. Traveled a lot here in USA and abroad but have never had an address that did not have NE in it!
2) I used to work in the political field; before kids and marriage. I've met Presidents, Senators, Governors, etc. It was exciting, but I don't think I realized how exciting until I look back. My candidates always seem to lose the election, but I am figuring that it was not my fault.
3) One time in my political life, I worked as a personal aide to a female governor. We were on a commuter plane ride across state to a parade, and I had a Big Gulp before we got on the plane. Let’s say the fog at the airport was quite heavy. When the plane finally landed (1 hour late after circling and circling) the door flew open and I ran for the terminal. The State Patrol officer aboard cleared the way. What class!!!
4) I am petrified of snakes, mice etc. That's why I take the Girl Scout camping in Lodges. No bugs or critters.
5) As a child, I was allergic to chocolate. It is still not my favorite, but I will hunt down Chuckles in every gas station on a road trip. Nothing stands between me and candy that claims "Even it's name means fun".
6) Pregnancy and I do not get along. I love the child to be and am anxious to have it in my arms, but between the constant throwing up and the feeling like I'm going to throw up the only pregnant glow I ever got was the flush of the gag. Delivery was wonderful. Maybe it was the drugs.
7) My husband and I don't fight much, except about College Football. We are both Big 12 Fans. Texas and Nebraska. Let's say he's had more to cheer about lately, but get real he lives here in Cornhusker territory and should switch alliances to the Big Red. Burnt Orange is an ugly college color. He's so going to kill me!!
Now that I have revealed some deep meaningful things about myself it's your turn. I tag 7 random people. All of these women have so much Godly wisdom. I love to read their blogs.
Kim at httphttp://mercydays.blogspot.com/ ( she's the one who encouraged me to start this blog)
Erin at http://embracingmycup.blogspot.com/ (deep faith and a fellow public school mom too)Katrina at http://www.callapidderdays.com/ ( loves books as much as me)
Mary Beth at http://www.marybethwhalen.com/ ( great wisdom and her recipes rock)
Bev at http://www.lifeofgrits.blogspot.com/ ( my knitting advisor, this is her new home)
Wendy at http://swbbm.blogspot.com/ ( fellow Midwesterner-picture lover)
Linda at http://2nd-cup-of-coffee.blogspot.com/ ( My husband loves Muncie I love Linda's humor)
Thanks to Shalee at http://shaleesdiner.com/ for tagging me for this fun activity.
If you participate let me know....
Jill, someone emailed me that they had tagged me the other day, and I lost the message; was it you? I've done this meme, but I'll try to get to it again some time. Have we "met" yet? You say your husband loves Muncie? What is your connection here? Please forgive me if I'm spacing. I'm an equal opportunity offender; my memory is atrocious. Blessings, Linda
loved reading these! and, thanks for adding me. :)
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