Saturday, September 20, 2008

Heartbreak and Hope

A dear friend of mine had to say goodbye to her baby boy before she even got to say hello.

Harrison went home to Jesus while still in the comfort of his mothers womb, just weeks before he was due to come live here on earth.

There are no answers and the reality just doesn't seem right. God I know you have a plan, but sometimes in the midst of the pain it's hard to see it.

I trust you God that you are walking this path of grief with B & J, but I so much wish you could have taken this cup from them and given them a bouncy baby boy to hug and love. They would have loved him no matter what.

It's seemed like I've been living in two realities this week. On one side, my heart and mind are with my friend and her family while in the other, I am trying to capture the joy of each day with my own family realizing that it is a gift from God.

The hard truth is that, as a Christian, I live in two different realities much of the time.

I know that in this world there will be suffering and hardship, grief and pain, but I know that Jesus has overcome the world. I can live in hope that one day the pain of losing Harrison will be overtaken with the joy of knowing they will see him again in heaven.

A verse that I've been really clinging to this week is from Matthew 11:28-30

Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart and you will find rest for your soul.

God I pray that you would give B & J and their two other little children rest, peace, comfort and an easy yoke.

Jesus Loves Me This I Know For the Bible Tells Me So.......

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