Friday, September 17, 2010

Rule Followers,Drama Queens and Teenagers

It's been a crazy week. I told my husband I feel like the stay at home mom who is never home. Sadly my house shows it this week and, until this afternoon, that included my fridge and cupboards that were rather bare.

Two Open Houses, the PTA Fundraiser Counting, BSF starting again, Soccer Game, First Girl Scout Meeting of the Year, and of course meals, laundry, mowing, showering, chauffeuring children and sweating each morning at my exercise class. No wonder I'm tired.

School Open House is such a lesson in childhood behavior. First, we had the junior high open house in which the 5th grader was dying to show me all her classes. She even wanted to do them in order so I'd get the picture of her day. Then we had the 8th grader who told me it was stupid to go to Open House. No one went. Because his school has team and block scheduling, he has the same exact teachers as last year. All the same except for his Spanish Teacher. Why would I need to see any of them, they were old news. Mr. C was bored to tears. His only joy that night was keeping a tally of how many of his teachers told me what a "wonderful young man" he is. I guess it's going to his head a little bit!

M was thrilled to walk around and introduce us to the teachers, point out her locker, and give us the "details" of life in the hallways. She's in her element. To brag a little about Miss M, she tried out this week for the school's drama club Improv Fest. 120 tried out for 50 slots from 5th to 8th graders. M made the cast!! She's tickled and we are so proud.

Last night was Open House at the Elementary School. Miss A was so anxious all week to show us her classroom, some of her work and introduce us to "all" of her teachers. That's right, we had to go see the Art Teacher, Music Teacher, Gym Teacher, Librarian, and the School Counselor. I'm not sure some of those teachers get much action on Open House night. (Recall that we've been at this school for 9 years already- we kinda know our way around. But we let Miss A have her moment of glory)

They were all so thrilled to say what a joy she is to have in class. How polite and smart. She was beaming the whole time. Because Miss A had a soccer game on the same night, we had to stop at a gas station to change our of our uniform into "real clothes" because that would be so much more appropriate.

Let's just say she's a rule follower. Twice this week, she's put me in my place about "rules" at school. First, she told me that she could not take two dimes and nickle for milk money at lunch. "They only allow you to give one coin; I have to take a quarter Mom." I tried to explain it was exactly the same thing, but she wasn't buying.

Today, she told me she can't wear "hoodies" to school. I questioned her. She wasn't budging. I explained the M and C wore hoodies all the time when it got colder. They loved to have them for recess or in the classroom. "Nope, not anymore" she said. "I'd be in big trouble." Finally, I pulled out of her the real answer. You can't wear "hoodies" with the hood up in class. Miss Rule Follower has promised me she might be willing to wear a few hoodies to school as long as I understand they might get her in trouble.

I think she'll be fine.

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