It's hard to say if we've become College Hockey fans or if we just enjoy being a part of such a great atmosphere. Either way, we had a great family outing watching a local college hockey team win. Not even the fact that a minor snowstorm caused it to take twice as long as normal to get to the Arena could dampen our fun.
Here's a few of the fun/ funny moments from the evening....
Dad dropped us off at the hotel across from the convention hall as someone in our car had needed to use the "facilities" for over an hour. We have this family trick of using the bathrooms in lobbies of fancy hotels. We just act like guests and no one is the wiser.
While Miss A was washing her hands, she said; "I love fancy hotels. This might be my favorite part of the whole evening."
Taking the crosswalk later to the game, Miss M decided to take it up a notch and pretend to be from Minnesota. She even had the "long oooo" accent from Minnesoooota. That way if anyone asked if we were hotel guests, she could say, "Why yes, we are from the Twin Cities ."
We arrived in our seats and had just sat down when Miss A announced, "OK, what shall I have for my snack?" I asked if maybe we could at least wait for the game to start and she said, "Oh, I thought it had." Guess the fact that there were no players on the ice didn't really bother her too much.
Miss M announced that she really liked hockey. It's loud, the action is fast, and she really likes it when they slam each other against the glass. She was, however, grateful that they have the glass and net up, she'd hate to take a puck to her face. Yeah, me too M.
Mr. C was really the only one who really got into the actual hockey game and didn't seem like he was there for the snacks. He was high fiving the guys around us when we scored, he was "hoop and hollering" for the team, and even yelled "fight, fight" when it looked like two players might duke it out. Thankfully, college hockey is too refined for actual fights!
Don't worry, Mr C did finally get a snack. In fact, there was evidence of his snack for hours later. Who thought powdered sugar was a good idea for a teenage boy? What a mess. Thankfully, he said it looked like snow.
Miss A and I scooted out a few minutes early and sat by the fireplace at the hotel while the rest of the family insured victory for the team by waiting till the bitter end. Considering it was way past our bedtime, Miss A announced maybe we should just get a room and spend the night. I said our home was only 20 minutes away.
Her response: "That's what you said when we came here and Mom we both know it took much longer than that to get here. Let's just be real and spend the night. It will look better in the morning."
Who does she think she is; Eloise!