Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Girl Scout Cabin Camping at the Lake

We had an excellent time "roughing it" this weekend at the Lake. I realize for most this is hardly camping, but for us it's just perfect. Mr. C went so far as to say this is was little more than a glorified sleepover party for Miss M. It really doesn't matter though as the Girl Scouts had a rocking good time.
Only 4 of our 7 girl scouts were able to join us on this trip to the Lake so we've already declared this a yearly adventure. Weather predictions for the weekend were bleak, but God was good (OK, He is good all the time, but you know what I mean) and the cool crisp air was just perfect for walks outside. Deep down I think maybe the weatherman was predicting storms so we wouldn't have to consider sleeping outside!!
Friday night, we finalized our plans for earning the Cooking Badge, Outdoor Creativity Badge, and Exploring the Outdoors. The girls were thrilled that they would be doing most of the cooking on Saturday and I cracked up over some of their perceptions about food safety, kitchen cleanliness, and nutrition. I won't be tattling on their parents, but I'd say that only M lives in house that has a resident food patrol member. I won't be going over to leftovers at any one's house anytime soon.
After a walk in the "dark" around the lake, the girls enjoyed a movie and were in bed by 11:30! See no sleepover drama or all nighters in this group! Love it. My "wingman" and I enjoyed the fact that we didn't have to argue with anyone about bedtime. However, they are a bunch of early risers.
Saturday morning, we took another nature walk which according to some meant "torture" as we were walking for more than an hour! Of course, included in the adventure was a trip to the marina for some candy. You can't go to the lake with a snack at the Marina. Then it was back to the house for "Cooking 101" where the girls made the entire lunch of spaghetti with meat sauce, salad, french bread, and frozen fruit pie. It was fun to see the girls get all excited about cooking, making up a restaurant, dividing tasks, and even helping with the clean up. I think we have some professional chefs in our future.
The afternoon involved nature arts & crafts, a long walk through actual woods, and a journey to a nearby river and railroad track. I loved that the railroad bridge over the river had graffiti all over it, most of it clean and colorful and I took some great pictures of the girls with this backdrop. All the girls even came home with Railroad spikes we'd found under the bridge.
What I loved the most however was how well the girls got along. They are all "friends," but they don't all buddy around together at school, yet on this camping trip they were all the best of friends. No drama. No teaming out and leaving someone out. No jealousy. Just pure acceptance of each other.
They were in essence living out the Girl Scout Law to "be a sister to every Girl Scout."
What a blessing it is to have seen these girls through the past six years, I know God has big plans for each of them and I thrilled to walk along side them on their journey.

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