Finally. That's what Miss A has been saying all week, finally it was time for her Scout Meeting. After years of watching other members of our family put on uniforms, sell popcorn and cookies and have a blast with their friends at troop/den/pack meetings, Miss A finally got to have her "own."
Our little Daisy Girl Scout was beyond excited. Having a troop meeting with 14 little Kindergarten girls wearing the blue smock was the "best ever" according to Miss A. The fact that her mother is not the leader is, in her mother's opinion, the best. I'm thrilled that two mothers stepped up to lead this lively group of girls and love that I can come as an observer and helper.
I loved the fact that Miss A already knows the Girl Scout Promise. Guess you could say she's been at enough meetings to have memorized both the promise and the sign. I'm just glad that the "tag along" Girl Scout now gets to be one all on her own. It was fun to watch these little girls get all excited tracing their bodies on butcher paper, giggle when they introduced themselves, and have a blast doing the friendship squeeze and sing the Daisy Girl Scout song.
Six years ago, it was Miss M sitting in her blue smock and smiling and giggling with her little friends. I so remember the first meeting and the feeling in my stomach that I might throw up knowing all 16 little girls were counting on me to lead them on the Girl Scout path. Where has the time gone? This weekend, I'll be taking 5 of those original Daisy girls to the Lake for the weekend on an indoor camping trip. We are a little smaller of a group, a little less awed by the songs, hand squeeze and the snacks; but we are also closer, stronger, smarter and lot further on the Girl Scout path. These girls have been real sisters to each other and their leader is all the better for the experience.
How I pray that Miss A's adventure in scouting is as great an experience as her sister, brother and mother's have been.
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