Monday, January 3, 2011

Funny Moments of Christmas Break

Today, the kids go back to school. I can't believe how quickly the past two weeks have gone by, and yet it seems like they have been around for weeks on end. I might be a little happy about routine starting back tomorrow. Maybe not at 6:00 a.m. tomorrow, but for sure by 10:00.
We took the approach of having a "laid back Christmas Vacation" with very little scheduled events or plans. We just had lots of time to hang out and relax. Of course, there have been many humorous moments in the midst of all of the Christmas celebration.
Miss A is loving her Barbie Dream House. Really loving it. While packing for our weekend getaway to the lake, she asked if Dad could help her pack up the Dream House to take along. I told her it was not portable. No, she said it is. I can see the perfect way to fold it in half. I again said that it was staying at home because, not only was it "huge," it would never fit in our car with all the stuff.
"But, I can't be without my dream house for three days!!" A explained with much drama.
Guess you are staying home then. Well, maybe I can just bring along the Barbie Convertible and few dolls and call it good!!
Of course, when it was time to pack up at the lake to come back to town, Miss A was smiling huge and said "finally, it's time to go home to my Dream Home again." She was talking Barbie!!
When we got home yesterday afternoon, Miss A spent two hours in her room with the door closed catching up with her "dream home and people." Love this girl!
Miss M complained that she didn't think we "did anything" over break. In my defense, I listed off all the events she had participated in the last 14 days: lunch out, play dates with friends, trips to Mall and Target, fun with cousins, lunch with Nana, weekend at the lake, yogurt at Red Mango, a Christmas play, and numerous movies, Wii games etc....
Well, it just seemed like we didn't do anything then. Maybe I was having too much fun to realize!!
Mr C has been busy studying for a school admission test, working on a Science Fair project, making videos about squirrels in trees, watching college football games, and sleeping in till at least 8:30 (this is the child that use to think that 6:30 was sleeping in, so we are making progress) When I asked him if he had any normal homework that he needed to do before school started, he told me; "Gee Mom Christmas Break is for just hanging out and having fun I can't be expected to do too much!"
I laughed hysterically today when C explained to his buddies why he has a Toy Story 3 Calendar for 2011. Miss A had picked it especially for C for Christmas. He wanted a Calendar for his room and she knew how much he liked Buzz and Woody when he was little. We've talked about C's fascination with "Too Infinity and Beyond" since the movie came out this spring. He used to run around repeating this phrase and jumping off furniture. No, I guess he used to "fall with style" off the furniture.
C wanted a fun calendar and that's what his sister got him. Today, his explanation to his friends was a little bit different; My littlest sister picked this up for me, and I don't want to hurt her feelings. She thinks that Toy Story is hilarious and that I must think so too!! What's a guy to do you know?

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