Thursday, May 13, 2010

First Shall Be Last

Miss A and the plate she made for Mother's Day.

In my heart of hearts, I know that each time Miss A experiences a "first" in her life that it will be the last one we will have at our house. The baby day "firsts "were easy to take; first smile, first laugh, first steps, first haircut, first words, etc. These so called "firsts" meant she was becoming more independent, more a little girl and less a baby. As a toddler, I celebrated each move towards independence and cheered when she needed less of me taking care of her as it meant more of just enjoying her.
Nowadays, these "firsts" are pulling at the heartstrings just a little bit more. In many ways, her "firsts" are my "lasts." It will be my last time going to a Mother's Day Tea, the last time I'll have Preschool Art Projects to hang on the fridge, and the last days of having a child hang out with me during the school day.

Miss A at the Preschool Mother's Day Tea. Each Mom got a Class Cookbook with our

"Favorite Chef's" Picture on the front cover.

As we come to the close of her preschool days, I know that it means she'll be needing less and less of me and spending more and more time away from home. Miss A will be in all day kindergarten next fall. She only has 4 more days of preschool.
I've had someone in Preschool for the past 10 years. Yes, we had a little bit of a break between Miss M and Miss A, but I had a tiny baby at home then so I still had someone under my care day in and day out.
Next week, Miss A will graduate from Preschool. She'll have her "first" graduation and I'll have my "last" moments as a Preschool graduate's mother.
When Miss A told me a week ago that she had a loose tooth, I thought it was just wishful thinking on her part. She's seen her siblings lose teeth and get money from the mysterious Tooth Fairy. Since she'd recently been asking for money for treats at the snack shack, I thought that must be where she got the idea. However, when I took a closer look at her bottom front tooth, I knew she wasn't joking.
My husband warned me that I better get ready for another "first." I told him those first loose teeth take weeks to come out. Yeah, guess that's only true when the child doesn't spend up to 10 hours a day wiggling it with her finger, tongue and juice cup. No joke. She was determined to loose that "baby."

Notice the "Gap" in the front of her mouth. First Lost Tooth.

Lose it she did. With just a little bit of "help" from her father. she now has gap in her smile. Just another "First" for Miss A and yet another "last" for her mother.
In thinking of these moments over the past few days, I determined that I can either enter into these "lasts" with trepidation and sorrow or I can embrace them with joy and excitement. Miss A was so proud when her tooth came out she had to call both sets of grandparents to let them know. When she found out the tooth fairy came during the night, she recommend that maybe the "whole family should go to bed at 7:00 p.m. tonight just in case she comes early." She was beyond thrilled when she woke the next morning to find a dollar under her pillow.
I've decided to take these "lasts" as a sign of a new adventure. Who knows what God has in store for me in the coming years. As my days become filled with less of daily care of small children, I can use my time more for His service. I can embrace the "last" and the change as a "first" for me as a person, wife, and mother.
For thirteen years, I've been wrapped up in being at home with little kids. Now I can wrap my mind and self around new adventures while I wait for my "big kids" to come home from school each afternoon. Instead of seeing the late afternoon as the leftover time, I can fully enjoy those hours with my kids and husband.
Yes I'm celebrating Miss A's "Firsts" and her "Lasts" with joy!

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