Thursday, December 31, 2009
We Now Have Mountains Here? and other Funny Things We've Seen and Heard this Week.
Miss A thinks the huge piles of snow in parking lots and at the end of our driveway are beginning to look the Mountains she saw this fall in Colorado. I've pointed out that while they look inviting and "cute" and will be here until Spring, they are far from fun! In fact, if the one at the end of the driveway gets any bigger, we could lose sight of the street for months.
We went to the Indoor Water Park this week. Why oh why do you ask? Because until last week, Miss A could not get her ear wet and we promised we'd go once she got the all clear from her doctor. So along with most of the city, our whole family went to swim, slide and spend one hour in line for lunch. Just kidding on the lunch line at A&W, it was more like 1:10 minutes wait.
The kids had a great time and we all left feeling water logged and chlorinated to the gills. The funniest part, however, (besides the people) was driving to the pool in a winter coat, swimsuit and flip flops. C commented it wasn't really all that different from our summer trips to the pool and lake considering we were wearing sweatshirts on the 4th of July.
Yesterday, the kids went up to the elementary school for some good sledding on giant hills and I sat in the car watching them giggle, laugh, and throw snowballs at each other and their friends. I'd brought along a book knowing it could be awhile. Miss A made it about 45 minutes and then asked to come into my warm car. She was mostly looking for snacks and hot cocoa which is not something in ready supply in a Honda Odyssey. However, she cracked me up when she said why don't you just take me home and then come back for the big kids, later. I said then we'd just have to come back, she told it would be OK to just leave her at home alone since she's old enough to watch herself.
Sadly, she is the most responsible one sometimes and would probably be OK. I said no way; I can't; I'd get in trouble with the law for leaving a 5 year old at home alone. Not to worry was her reply, I'll visit you in jail and bring you diet Pepsi.
Finally, the thing that cracked me up the most this week was our shopping trip on Monday to "buy" a few things with gift cards that would burning holes in our pockets since Christmas.
Miss A and Miss M had gift cards to their favorite Girlie Store and Mr. C had one to the Sporting Goods store. We decided to take care of C's purchase first as he's notoriously quicker and then the girls and then have Hot Cocoa at our favorite Coffee Shop. C covered his two favorite summer sports, fishing and golf, with his gift. The girls, as usual, took "forever" to decide on some new clothes and a new Webkinz for each of them.
M and A both wanted to go to Claire's too just to see what was "new" and C quickly shooed them away saying that they could open their own store with all the "lip stuff" they have at home. Miss A said, "That's OK. I now have Dr. Pepper lip balm too, I just got it." Somehow I think she missed the point.
Over Cafe Mochas (C) kids Hot Cocoa (A) and Carmel Hot Apple Cider (M), we discussed while it is fun to shop together, it is just as fun to be together sitting and visiting. M and A just looked at me like I'd lost my mind and C just shook his head and said, "Mom, they just don't get it do they."
I'm thinking Mr. C is going to have a rude awakening once he hits the College Years (aka the Dating Years) and sees that Girls love to "just shop."
Monday, December 28, 2009
Taking Down Christmas...

Saturday, December 26, 2009
Christmas Blizzard 2009 Doesnt' Stop the Celebrating
We had time to ogle over the Norwegian Sweater Miss M got from Bestemor and Bestefar while Miss A got to set up her Dora Tent in the Family Room and, Mr. C flew his new remote control helicopter all over the house. There was time for "playing with the gifts" and learning about our new "toy" the Wii. Mom had time to check out the Pioneer's Women's Cookbook and earmark recipes to try this winter. Dad enjoyed the fact that no longer are there 1000 piece Lego's to work on or castles and dollhouses to erect.
C's New Bedspread M's New Girl Scout Blanket C models his UnderArmour
Our plans delayed for a Christmas Day Dinner with Nana and Papa created a chance to break out the Steaks and Sweet Potato Fries last night. Who knew some traditions are OK to change?
Making Cookies for Santa A's new Guess Who Extra Game with Animal Faces Too
When Nana and Papa came over today for lunch between storm cells, we enjoyed our traditional Christmas dinner on the 26th and realized that the Christmas spirit lives on. Even during the Christmas (Holiday) Blizzard 09 as the Weather Channel sort of calls it. They are much more politically correct than I.
Tuesday, December 22, 2009
Celebrating the Hustle and Bustle Too Often Pushes the Christ Child Away
As a result, the stores are busting with people. None of them look too happy. Granted, I've not seen any real pushing and shoving, but the look on some peoples' faces could scare small children. No one looks like the Holiday Spirit is really flowing through them!
Yesterday, Miss M was trying to "secretly purchase" a gift for her brother. As she stood in line with her hot little cash in hand, two separate adults cut in front of her. She didn't really notice until another mother and her child tried to do the same. When we left she said, "some people aren't really happy about Christmas are they mom?"
At Target later that afternoon, I was finishing up my Christmas shopping and getting groceries when I ran into even grumpier people. A lady in the Produce section huffed and puffed at me when my cart was left over by the asparagus while I was bagging apples across the aisle. I jokily said, "Guess I need to take my cart with me" and she did not laugh.
In the stocking stuffer aisle, I asked an employee who was taking down Christmas stuff if he was really putting out Valentine's candy already and he just huffed at me. I'm just doing my job.! I wished him a Merry Christmas to lighten the mood and he did not seem pleased.
My checkout person looked about ready to collapse, sad, depressed, and at her whit's end. When I asked how her day was going she said, "not well, everyone is so crabby." We joked about the "real Christmas spirit" and how lacking it is today. I told her that too often I think people are crabby about not "getting Christmas perfect," not getting what they want out of the "holiday," and not meeting their own expectations and those of others.
As she rang up my purchases, I thought about how often I get upset that I'm not making Christmas perfect in our house. How my decorations aren't perfect. My wrapping job is not fancy and the gifts aren't exactly what everyone wants. I'm not baking pies or giving out Christmas cookies to all the neighbors.
But the Spirit of Christmas, the Christ Child born in a manger, His spirit is alive and well in our home. From the Nativity in our Family room to the Jesse Tree ornaments on the kitchen counter to the Advent Wreath on our table, He is here! Christ among us.
We celebrate His birthday this Christmas. Sure, we still get the gifts, the food, and the Rice Pudding surprise, but hopefully this Christmas He'll get the Praise and the Joy and the Peace. At a "Happy Birthday Jesus Party" yesterday afternoon, C said the prayer before Lunch. His words nearly moved me to tears. He asked God to remind us that He is what this Christmas is all about, to remind us not to lose that part of Christmas this year.
Too often in the hustle and bustle of the days before Christmas, we lose that little baby in the manger...please God help "this family" keep that in our hearts first!
Saturday, December 19, 2009
Gifted Hands: Movie Recommendation #2
Gifted Hands: The Ben Carson Story is the true story of young man who overcame obstacles in his life to become to a world renowned pediatric neurosurgeon at John Hopkins and went on to win a Presidential Medal of Freedom. It is a touching story of a mother's love for her children and desire to raise them to become intelligent, strong and contributing members of society.
Sonya's Carson's determination and gusto is inspiring. The fact that she was not well educated herself and supporting her children on her own while challenging them to read books and write essays about them brought tears to my eyes. She really was willing to do the best for her children and spur them on to things greater.
Dr. Carson's life story and his grace and faith throughout his life are inspiring. Knowing that he is a man of Faith and Medicine at the same time is such a great message for my children. It is nice to see that it's possible to be a person of great faith and moral character while also a person of science, intelligence and wisdom. God's wisdom and Man's Wisdom are not contradictory, but they are great in conjunction with each other.
Watching yet another movie about people overcoming obstacles to achieve great thing gave our children a glimpse into real life. A chance to see that hard work, determination, character, faith and love from family can make you into something great.
Ben Carson has a book out with the same title: Gifted Hands. I'm thinking this is going to be required reading for a certain boy and girl in our house this winter.
Finding movies that reinforce life skills I want my children to pick up and doing it in such a way that isn't preachy or sappy really works. I love that we can spend quality time watching a heartwarming movie together and still learn lessons. That's perfect family time.
Blessed To Be Busy
C and A all ready for customers to the Red Kettle; M and Uncle C and Cousin N manning the 2nd Bell at the other door. C was the only brave enough to wear the Red Apron that Announced "I'm a Bell Ringer" . Nana and Papa even brought some huge Bells with them so the noise outside was loud!
Finally. last night was our annual Bell Ringing time for the Salvation Army. Every year we sign up the family for a three hour shift ringing bells outside our favorite Grocery Store. The kids bundle up and we take turns standing outside singing "We Wish You A Merry Christmas" and sending people inside to eat in the Grocery Store's restaurant.
Tuesday, December 15, 2009
Winter Driving Conditions Scare: Thanking God
M had four teeth pulled yesterday and two spacers put in her mouth so it was not a stellar day in her book.
Even the fact that she got to miss out on a day of school didn't make up for the fact she was fearful and in pain. She was a real trooper throughout, but I think she's glad it's finally over!
The roads yesterday weren't stellar either. We had some freezing rain, mixed with about 1/2 inch of fresh snow before school. C was disappointed that they didn't think to "call it off " and have yet another snow day. Driving to Preschool was a little dicey. M and A couldn't believe all the traffic and the slow moving cars going up the hills near our neighborhoods.
Being my father's daughter, I quickly decided that neighborhood streets were the best choice from the pharmacy to Preschool and if I could have made it all the way to the Dentist by neighborhood streets, I would have. However, slow and steady, we made it on time for our "Dental Dread" appointment.
M came thru the "surgery" well, and why she looked like a chipmunk with the gauze in between her lips and talked like one too, we were ready to get A from school and get back home.
About 1 mile from the Preschool, we had to drive down a street that is a four lane divided major thoroughfare. It is, however, surrounded by farmland and tends to get a little slick due to the wind whipping across the prairie grass. (Yes I do want to break into song about a OKLAHOMA, but that's not allowed in these parts, my husband despises OU. He's a UT man remember)
I was going about 25 miles an hour and the next car nearest me was quite a ways ahead. The car behind liked slow and steady too and keep her distance. We were traveling northbound in the curb lane.
Suddenly a car traveling Southbound and in the curb lane (going about 40 plus mph) lost control slid over the next lane, jumped the huge median in the middle and starting coming right at my mini van. Never before have I seen such look of terror in another's person face; the air bags deployed on that car, they came within 15/20 feet of my front end but...All Glory to God I was able to stop the car without hitting them and move over enough into the far lane to miss their rear end as they went up the embankment on my passenger side of the street.
I thanked Jesus right there that He'd spared M and my life. He did. Had I been going just a fraction of a kilometer faster at any time in my journey I would have been directly in the path of that Toyota 4 Runner. I know without a doubt I would have been killed, and most likely M, too. It was coming that fast, with so much gusto that we would not have been able to stop it's force.
Praying and Praising all the way to Preschool pickup, I told the Preschool teacher that I would gladly pay any late fee for being 15 minutes late for Miss A. While I had told them I would most likely be late and they were very willing to help out, I wasn't really grateful for the ability to be late until that exact moment that I didn't know if I'd be showing up at Preschool ever again.
Poor Miss M I think the look of terror on her face at the moment was worse than the Dentist could ever have been.
At dinner, we were thanking God for His protection and His provision that allowed us to see death, but not taste it. Never before have I felt so grateful for those "moments" when you can see clearly the hand of Jesus. Protecting us, keeping us calm and allowing us just one more "moment" this side of heaven.
Really I need nothing more this Christmas. I've just gotten the greatest gift.
Monday, December 14, 2009
Get Yourself to the Movie Theater Today: The Blind Side
The Blind Side could be one of the best movies I've seen in years, maybe even decades. The crowd to watch the movie at 7 pm. on a Friday was huge, and throughout the movie, nobody left to get anything. They just sat and watched this wonderful story unfold.
What a wonderful story of one woman's courage to step out of her comfort zone and completely change one young man's life. I was clapping, laughing, and crying at the way Leigh Ann wrapped her life, family, and determination into the life of a boy from the "wrong side of town" and as a result changed Michael Oher's life forever.
I'd love to share more about the movie and the story of Michael Oher who went from a homeless, deserted young man to a NFL football player all because someone took the time to make a difference in his life, but I don't want to spoil the story for you.
If you have not gone to see this movie, do it today. Don't wait for the DVD and don't wait for it get to the cheap movie theater. It's well worth the price of admission. It's a football/Cinderella story that gives you a warm feeling in your heart. It gives you hope about race relations, people from desperate situations making it out alive, and finally, it might just stir a little something in you to want to invest some of your own time in the lives of others.
After the movie, we talked with C about grace and gratitude and stepping up and doing the right thing. Things he knows about already, but movies like this reinforce those type of values. They encourage your spirit.
Tomorrow, I'll share the story about the 2nd Movie we saw this weekend (a DVD no less) that our whole family loved and did even more to encourage our spirits.
Thursday, December 10, 2009
Surviving the 3rd Snow Day In A Row
It's quiet in the house right now. The kids are out enjoying the snow; building forts in the deep piles of snow and making giant footprints all over the backyard. I used to love the look of snow, the vast white field of snow which almost looked like sparkling diamonds and crystals. I use to view snow as something that should be looked at, but please don't make tracks in my snow.
Then I had children.
Now, I realize that footprints, sled tracks, and snowmen mean that children live in my house. Those tiny treks through the snow are a sign that laughter, giggles, and lots of cups of hot chocolate exist in my home. Something that 13 years ago I could only pray for, cry for, and long for is now a reality in my home and in my heart. I am a mother.
Yesterday, when the school district called to say they were calling off school for a 3rd Day in a row and just weeks before Christmas, my heart sank at first. I had plans.
Now, when I look out over the footprints, snow forts and marks all over our fresh fallen snow, I think, this is why I wanted to be a mother. So, that on snow days we could stay in PJ's and watch Hallmark movies together, we could offer to help our neighbors with the big snow drift on their driveway, and I could use our dryer over and over again in a day with dirty clothes, wet gloves, hats and coats.
I'm realizing more and more that these days are precious. Moments to cherish. They are the kind of days we'll talk about years from now and I won't remember the wet laundry room floor. Instead, I'm remember the messy marshmallow faces and the cans of Redi Whip that flew out my house!
For that I am grateful.
However, I might cheer the fact that tomorrow is back to normal. Too much of a good thing isn't really a good thing is it?
Wednesday, December 9, 2009
Snow Day in Pictures
M and A on the new sled; making a path down our front yard. In their words the sled was "super fast and awesome."
C helped me shovel the snow, but wanted it all piled on one side of the driveway for fort making. Today the wind took care of making it's own "drifts."
Inside the snow fort, plenty of room for all. Look at those huge flakes.
M took an inside the fort picture so we could have a look at how perfectly formed and packed the snow was. I'm thinking C has a future in igloo building!
School is out again today, but with a windchill in the -20's I'm thinking this will be an "inside" day with movies and crafts to keep the natives entertained. Dad gets shoveling duty this morning, since I shoveled three times yesterday before 1:00 when he hubs called it a day and worked from home!
Guess we complained too much about the lack of snow earlier this fall/winter. I'm keeping my mouth shut from now until March about the weather and just taking what God gives us!
Monday, December 7, 2009
Predicting A Snow Day!!
But if you are my children you are convinced that school will be cancelled tomorrow.
Here's what my three are doing to insure that school is out....
1. Wearing PJ's inside out
2. Flushing the toilets 3 times before bed
3. Doing all their homework
4. Renting movies from Family Video so we are ready
5. Throwing an ice cube on the back deck right before bed.
Mr. C recommended we twirl around 9 times and flush the toilets at the same time in every bathroom just to cover our bases.
Here's what their mother has done to prepare for a blizzard and three kids stuck inside for days
1. Stocked up on Marshmallows and Hot Cocoa
2. Braved the crowds at the grocery store to insure we had milk
3. Ready to pull out secret stash of Christmas Crafts including a Gingerbread House
4. Purchased yarn to make some more kitted kitchen dish rags and a few new scarfs
5. Have a big bottle of Margarita Mix to use for Margarita Chicken Skewers for dinner and maybe a tall glass of frozen margaritas too!
6. Plan to go to bed extra early and set the TV for 5 a.m. when they announce school closings.
Really hoping for a smart weatherman to go ahead and call off school tonight!
Now I realize that Christmas Break is just around the corner, but I'll admit there is nothing like a Snow Day when you are suppose to be doing something else like school, dance class, etc. Like C said today, who needs snow on the weekends!
UPDATE: School was cancelled at 7:45 pm tonight. Let the celebrations begin!
Thursday, December 3, 2009
Funny Things I've Heard and Seen Lately
1. A house in our neighborhood goes "hog wild" over holiday decorations. Literally, very holiday from Halloween to Easter to St. Patrick's Day their house is decorated. This is especially true at Christmas. Our family, in fact, calls this house the "Crazy About Christmas (CAc)" House. True to form, this year they have up hundreds of decorations including lights, blow ups, and hanging ornaments from trees. Lots of things on the roof, hanging from the fence posts. Do you get the picture.?
Across the street from this "Crazy About Christmas House" this year is a new display. A green tarp with these words in Bright Lights: DITTO with an arrow pointing at the CAC house. Priceless.
2. My husband and youngest daughter had lunch the other day at the Mall and then walked around a little getting Christmas Ideas. After walking by a Kiosk selling "Dead Sea Lotions" and being asked repeatedly if my husband would like to buy some for the lady in his life; Miss A looked at her dad and said, "what's his deal?"
3. At family advent devotions this week, the was talk about the Jesse Tree's ornament depicting lots of stars. The verse that matched it was about Abraham and God's promise about his descendants. Miss M was quick to remember the bible story, but the next day as we reviewed the previous days she went through her list of Bible Men trying to remember Abraham's name; Noah, Adam, Jonah, Moses...finally she gave up and so you know the one!
4. Nana is having her annual tea parties with the granddaughters and their friends in the coming weeks. Miss A's is a Christmas Tea over lunch on Monday and Miss M's is an after school Tea Party. Big brother C volunteered to come serve as host and pass out treats etc. Nana was quick to realize the motive was for the food. C smiled and said that's true. Last year, I got food and didn't have to work so forget the offer, I'll just take the food!
5. Decorating the Christmas Tree this year was rather comical. Let's just say after 16 years it's time to replace our artificial 9 foot tree. It's not what you would call level and in all reality the branches are starting to turn brown, just like a real dying tree. Didn't know that happened with artificial trees! Hubs maneuvered, fangled and worked hard to get the tree standing up right and level at the same time.
C suggested maybe we should just go out and get a new one right away, but being ever practical, my husband quickly said "no way, I just invested hours getting this one up and lit so it's staying for the season! We are keeping it and waiting for N After Christmas sale to get a new one."
6. Miss A has a tendency to think quicker than she speaks and will often have words mixed up. For instance, as we lay down for good night prayers, she will say "down I lay me" instead of of "now I lay me." Lately, I've also noticed the phrase "that's for good" when she means that something bad is really alright. Not such a bad way to look at it really.
Amazingly both are starting to eek out of my mouth, too.
This family...they really keep me laughing.
Wednesday, December 2, 2009
Homemade Caramels: WFMW Christmas Gift Idea
Christmas Gift Giving can be a little overwhelming when you add in all the School Teachers, Coaches, Sunday School and Pioneer/Confirmation Teachers when you have with three kids.
Not wanting to leave people out or burden our gift giving budget with $5 here and $5 there for everyone, I've starting giving out Homemade Caramels in cute little gift bags along with a handwritten note of thanks/appreciation. Depending on the relationship with the teacher, I will throw in a gift card to a local Coffee House for Hot Chocolate or participate in the group gift. I just like the idea of recognizing these individuals myself and the influence they have on my kids.
While the process of making the caramel's is a little demanding, the skill involved is pretty basic.
All you need is a big pot, a candy thermometer, and lots of waxed paper for wrapping. Oh and about 2 hours of time. I bring a book and kitchen stool right up to the stove and declare it "me time."
I must give credit to my sister in law for the recipe and idea...thanks! I've been giving these to my son's team of teachers in both 5th and 6th grade and a few cried at the end of the year when he moved to 7th grade team. He thought it was because they would miss him, but I knew that they were sad to lose the caramel's at Christmas!!
Homemade Caramels Recipe
2 cups Sugar
2 cups Warm Cream (I heat it up a little in microwave-not boiling)
1 cup Karo Syrup (light or dark depending on preference)
1/2 tsp Salt
1/3 cup Margarine
1 tsp Vanilla
you can add up to 1/2 cup of nuts (I don't)
waxed paper for wrapping ( no perfect way to cut into squares; I've heard you can buy pre-cut at Michael's Craft store, but we just cut away pieces to fit the caramels)
buttered 9 x 13 pan for spreading out the Caramels
In Large Pot combine 2 cups sugar, 1 cup of the cream, 1 cup syrup and salt in pan. cook on medium until boiling-stirring constantly.
Pour in the other 1 cup of cream slowly to boiling mixture- just enough at a time to keep the boil going
Cook 5 minutes longer then stir in margarine 1 tsp at a time stirring and letting it melt completely between additions
Turn heat to low and stir occasionally until the temp is 235 degrees for soft or 245 degrees for harder Caramel.
Remove from heat and add in vanilla
Pour into a buttered 9 by 13 pan- Let stand 10 minutes before they cool completely you should cut them into pieces- I use kitchen scissors or very sharp knife.
Cool to Room Temperature before placing in a waxed paper wraps. You can easily double the recipe if you desire and I've even been known to run two pots of double recipe at the same time.
**** edited: For Teacher Gifts I put together about 15 caramels wrapped individually and place in a Christmas Treat Bag and attached a card. This year I found cute little Red Buckets in the Target Dollar Aisle and plan to put them in there with some tissue.
With 6 team teachers in Junior High and then a 4th Grade Teacher and two Preschool teachers plus Sunday School etc...One Double Batch with make enough, but no extras so I usually make two double batches and have plenty for all.
Making Caramels for Christmas Gifts works for me and my family. For more WFMW posts about Christmas Gift Ideas be sure to check out We Are THAT Family
Merry Christmas and Happy Caramels!!
Monday, November 30, 2009
Traditons. Celebrating Once Again As We Did Before. Perfect.
Thanksgiving has generally been the same around the "Faithful House" for the past 10 years. The in-laws come from Chicago on Wednesday, we pack up the sweet potato and green bean casseroles along with a plate of Norwegian Christmas Cookies, and head 10 minutes to my parents for Thanksgiving Lunch with the family.
Following lunch, we watch the traditional cousin "Play" written and directed this year by Miss M and performed by all the kids. It's comical, heartwarming, and fun to see them all "act" and ham it up for the parents and grands. Miss A announced earlier this fall that she was beyond being "Plymouth Rock", a part with no lines or movement. Instead, she did a great job "reading" her part with her favorite big cousin helping out!
It's wonderful! It is full of laughter. Our celebration is a big enough gathering to feel like a holiday, but no stress of the weird relatives from Cleveland. Not that we have relatives from Ohio. In fact, my entire immediate family counts up to 12 these days and we all live within a mile of each other. Thankfully, my husband's family adds another 6! Do you sense the crowd!
We joke that we hold a family reunion every weekend we are together in the summer at the Lake House. That's how small we are.
We have a great relaxing day watching football and working on the Christmas puzzle. I get to knit away without distraction. Perfect!
Friday, we learned to make Norwegian Krumkake Cookies with Bestemor's Krumkake Iron and, while they were not perfect, we did it and now can keep this tradition alive. They also tested quite good!
That evening, it was off to the Train Museum for the Annual Christmas Tree Lighting Ceremony and visit with Santa. C joked that he was going to ask Santa to make him taller and faster! Guess when you are 12, what else do you need. There were cookies with lots of frosting, fake snow falling everywhere, and a beautiful tree. It was perfect!
Saturday, we enjoyed a yummy lunch out at Texas Roadhouse and a visit to a quaint Scandinavian Gift Store not to far away. The girls brought along their American Girl Dolls in the Norwegian Bunard Outfits that Bestemor had made for them and the shop owner was quite impressed with them.
We didn't venture too far off course this Thanksgiving. It was pretty much a repeat of Thanksgiving's past. You know what though, it was perfect. We had much to thankful for and we were able to celebrate around the table with all those who mean so much to us.
That in itself is reason to celebrate and give thanks!
Thursday, November 26, 2009
Happy Thanksgiving
Love this song. Love the message behind the words.
Thank You God for another wonderful year, for a wonderful family, good health, daily provision, love, grace and blessings upon blessings. I am grateful!
Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours!
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
Rushing Thanksgiving and Missing the Blessings
For instance, Christmas lights and trees are up and shinning all over town. I get that in the Midwest sometimes you need to put up the outside lights before mid-November for fear of snow and cold, but do you need to turn them on before Thanksgiving?
It's like Thanksgiving is the ugly stepsister. Forgotten. Pushed Aside.
Have we become a Nation so consumed by the commercialization of Christmas that we are willing to pillage Thanksgiving in the process and view it only as a day off to gear up for the really big day of shopping on Friday.
Isn't Thanksgiving suppose to be a day we set aside to give thanks to our God for the blessings he has bestowed upon us as a people, a country, and a family?
I love the excitement of Christmas, but I like it to start after first taking time for gratitude and thanksgiving. I'm sometimes embarrassed to think that our country can no longer take the time to really focus on the meaning Thanksgiving itself. It is the only non-commercial gift giving holiday left. It is the only one really set aside for us to give back to God and thank Him for His abundance.
Maybe that's the problem. There is not a gimmick with Thanksgiving. There is not a man in a Red Suit or No Candy to give away. There are not any presents to buy. It takes from us rather than gives to us. It takes us setting aside time to list off our thanks.
It makes me sad to think that Thanksgiving plays second fiddle to shopping and bargains. I am sad that stores will be "Open All Day on Thanksgiving" to catch those ready to get a jump start on the "Holiday Season".
Guess I'm a little Old Fashioned. I like my Thanksgiving to come first with Advent and Christmas coming later. It seems to me that Thanksgiving Turkey with a side of Black Friday Pie is a little unappetizing. Now College Football is something that I really enjoy!
Thursday, November 19, 2009
Stop Changing the Parenting Handbook: I Can't Keep Up
M had been sick the past three days with a sore throat and low grade temp. She was isolated from the family and spent countless hours in her room watching the new Nancy Drew movie over and over again. Even though she had other shows to watch, she loves to re-watch her favorites. When she was really sick at two and half, we watched the new Freaky Friday movie no less than 17 times! I can do the lines. Trust Me!
Back to reality.
We went to visit the doctor to rule out the dreaded H1N1 and found out she had a virus. The big news was that I've been taking the temperature of ear wax instead of body temp for years. I guess the ear thermometer is inaccurate and not consistent. That is why one ear is not the same temp as the other; it has more ear wax.
Sad thing is that I know this same doctor's office 10 plus years ago took the temp of my tiny babies by ear and recommended I do the same. Now the rules have changed. I don't remember getting an updated version of my "Parenting Handbook." Did you?
When C was born almost 13 years ago, babies slept on their sides. We even had the fancy Baby Propping Pillow to keep him on his side. By the time A came along seven years later, it was back sleeping and tummy time during the day.
This parenting business changes too fast. I can't keep up. Not only do I have to worry about electronic overload, fruits and veggies, and washing behind the ears; but now I have to wonder if the other tricks up my parenting sleeves are out of date in addition to the Ear Thermometer.
You won't however ever convince me that watching Disney Movies and sipping on 7Up when you are sick are out of date. While I prefer the original version of the classic movies, I do let the "new fangeled " version of the show in too. Guess that makes me modern and up to date!!
Saturday, November 14, 2009
Dear Borders Bookstore A Word of Friendly Advice

Friday, November 13, 2009
I Told You We Were City People

Wednesday, November 11, 2009
With Grateful Hearts: Veterans Day
In Honor of Veterans Day and the Brave Men and Women Who Serve our Country…
The United States Flag: What the Folds Mean
The first fold of our flag is a symbol of life.
The second fold is a symbol of our belief in the eternal life.
The third fold is made in honor and remembrance of the veteran departing our ranks who gave a portion of life for the defense of our country to attain a peace throughout the world.
The fourth fold represents our weaker nature, for as American citizens trusting in God, it is to Him we turn in times of peace as well as in times of war for His divine guidance.
The fifth fold is a tribute to our country, for in the words of Stephen Decatur, "Our country, in dealing with other countries, may she always be right; but it is still our country, right or wrong."
The sixth fold is for where our hearts lie. It is with our heart that we pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America, and to the republic for which it stands, one nation, under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.
The seventh fold is a tribute to our Armed Forces, for it is through the Armed Forces that we protect our country and our flag against all her enemies, whether they be found within or without the boundaries of our republic.
The eighth fold is a tribute to the one who entered in to the valley of the shadow of death, that we might see the light of day, and to honor mother, for whom it flies on mother's day.
The ninth fold is a tribute to womanhood; for it has been through their faith, love, loyalty and devotion that the characters of the men and women who have made this country great have been molded.
The tenth fold is a tribute to father, for he, too, has given his sons and daughters for the defense of our country since they were first born.
The eleventh fold, in the eyes of a Hebrew citizen, represents the lower portion of the seal of King David and King Solomon, and glorifies, in their eyes, the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob.
The twelfth fold, in the eyes of a Christian citizen, represents an emblem of eternity and glorifies, in their eyes, God the Father, the Son, and Holy Ghost.
When the flag is completely folded, the stars are uppermost, reminding us of our national motto, "In God we Trust."
Last year this poem was read at my children's Public School for a Veterans Day Ceremony in which my Girl Scout Troop participated in a Flag Ceremony and Flag Folding. The Principal read this poem out loud for the entire school, staff and teachers.
Thank You for your service. Thank you to your families for their sacrifice. God Bless You and God Bless America.
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
We Are City People
Saturday, November 7, 2009
Great Family Movie: A Plumm Summer

Thursday, November 5, 2009
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