Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Our Visit to a Girl Named Sue

We are slowly working our way through our Summer Bucket list.  Since this summer is flying by, its a necessity to try to fit in a few of the items each week.  Knowing full well that Mr C would not want to do all of the activities, we had a few things that we knew would be just a mom and girl event.  A visit to the Train Museum and their traveling T Rex Exhibit: A Girl Named Sue was just such an event.  With Mr C off to a Junior Golf event, we spent the morning at the Museum.

Now I realize that my girls can be a little bit of creatures of habit, but I was surprised that both girls insisted we not just "swoop in and see the dinosaur."  We had to go around the museum to each of their favorite places and experience them too.  We couldn't skip the Train walk through or the Streetcar that reminds us Grammy or the statues that talk.  Heaven Forbid!  Thankfully on a hot summer day, I'm willing to stay inside and walk around and knowing that the girls were creating memories and using their imaginations and minds; even better.

"Miss Sue" was in someways just another stop on the journey.  Amazing, huge and quite a sight, but when we read some of the exhibits facts and overheard a documentary about digging up this creature from "Millions of years ago," it can be a little disheartening to think that so much of science tries to discredit the Creator.  I was thankful, however, that both girls have a firm grasp of how this world really came to be and that both realize that Scientific Dating and Science don't have to be in conflict with Faith and Belief.

Of course, our trip to the Train Museum wouldn't be complete without a visit to the Candy Shop which is the home of the best candy in the world, Chuckles.  The girls got candy too but they had to wait to indulge until after lunch that day!  No day out with the girls can end without a trip out for lunch and since we had to pick up Mr C at the golf course anyway, we decided the Chic Fil A was a must.

Bucket list item checked off!

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