Thursday, February 21, 2013

Saving Goodbye to the Sunshine

After spending nearly a week in the Desert, it was time to return to our "real lives."  However, before we left we listed off our Top Ten Things we'd miss.

1.  Sunshine
2. Grandparents
3. Warm Temperature
4. Flip Flops and No Coats
5. The Pool
6. Palm Trees
7. Flowers and Green Grass
8. Patio Time with cool drinks, puzzles and long chats with the Grands.
9. No Schedule and Relaxation ( this might have been the Mother's number one!)
10. Swimming

I think we could have stayed the rest of the winter.  In fact, both girls offered to be home schooled if I'd let them stay until Spring. The fact that the news reports showed that upon our return we'd be bracing for a Winter Storm with 7 to 10 inches of snow expected did not help our desire to return.  As we sat on the tarmac in Phoenix, I told the girls to soak up the sunshine and the look of green grass as it would probably be awhile before we saw them again.

At least, we had the excitement of seeing Mr P and Mr C upon our return to make the trip home worthwhile.  Otherwise, it might have been hard to convince ourselves to get on the plane!

Our trip to Palm Springs was amazing.  Thanks Nana and Papa for letting us invade your little portion of heaven for a week!

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