Monday, December 3, 2012

A Visit to Santa: Tradition and Deep Questions

We are a family of traditionalists.  At Christmas time, we tend to do the same thing year after year out of a desire to create some family memories.  Being deliberate about these treasured times is based solely on our hope that when we are old and living in the Home, the kids will come by with their children and tell the tales of these events!

Christmas at Union Station with the giant Christmas Tree and the "Real Santa and Mrs Claus" is one of those "things" we do each year.  While we might have had to bribe our two oldest to sit on Santa's Lap, I think deep down they really wanted to.  This year our visit to Santa was at the same time as the Ethnic Festival which helped to convince Mr C to come along as all the exotic food options are right up his alley.  In fact when we tried out a new Subway Sandwich Shop before hand for dinner, he even held back a little so that he could sample a few of the ethnic food later.

Miss A came to Santa with a burning question.  So after she posed for the traditional photo, she looked the man with the beard,right in the eye and said, "I have a question for you.  Do you bring live animals as presents on Christmas?"  Santa trying to make eye contact with the parents said in a serious voice, "It's not my policy to bring live animals.  Is there something else you might like instead?"

You see, Miss A would really like a Goldfish or a Beta or a fish like Nemo. Anything small, fishy, and swimming would work.  The problem is her parents who having been down this road before know that fish die.  Like every fish we've ever had has died. Problem is they all died before Miss A joined the family. Meaning to her it's a moot point.  She'd keep the fish alive. Forever!

Now it appears that Santa is off the hook for the fish.  The parents not so much.

Do you see now why we do these things for the sake of tradition.  How else would we ever have this story of Miss A questioning Santa's animal policy?   I just wish that Santa could have convinced the two older children that items that plug in, require an Internet connection, and all forms of gaming devices were not allowed either.

Whatever happened to those days when a child was thrilled with a pair of red mittens, a candy cane, and an orange?  Laura and Mary Ingalls sure were happy that Christmas!

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