Thursday, September 6, 2012

Tennis Anyone? Taking on a New Sport

Playing football last year really wasn't Mr C's thing and over the summer he decided that he wanted to try his hand at a new sport; Tennis.  Thankfully at the fitness club, we have full access to some really nice courts. Over the summer whenever he wasn't playing golf, Mr C was using a racket and perfecting his backhand and serve.  I'll give this kid credit; when he puts his mind to something he doesn't let anything stand it his way.

Mr C made the JV Tennis Team at his school in August. So in addition to practice every day after school, he  has been practicing  in the evening (after required study hall) taking on his dad in a match.  Thankfully, the courts have lights as I'm not sure that you can see those little yellow balls after nine without them!  My husband who bless his heart has not played tennis in years has really enjoyed these late night volleys and has said that Mr C who is quicker and more agile has really given him a run for his money.  Of course, he'd be quick to point out that he still beats him as he's smarter. But it won't be long until the tables turn!

I was able to watch two of his matches and I can attest that Mr C really has learned a lot in a few short months.  In his first ever match, he was behind his opponent three sets to zero and then rallied back to lose seven to six.  He might not have won, but boy was it impressive that this new tennis star was really catching on.  In fact, the parents of C's opponents commented that their son had been playing since a little kid.

What I've loved the most about this adventure into Tennis is that he's never given up, he's been coach able, he's tried the skills until he's perfected them and he's given it his all.  Some friends teased that Mr C is now only playing the "Country Club Sports." and while tennis and golf certainly aren't the intense contact sports of  football or soccer, he's definitely not just taking it easy. He's given 100% to the team and to being the best he could in competition.

At Mr C's second tournament, Miss A and I arrived a little late and by the time we sat down and got ourselves settled the match was over. I thought at first that maybe the previous match was just warm up; but was told by my son that it's a quick seven sets when you are winning every point. Oh how quickly you can get a little over confident!

I'm just so thrilled that Mr C goes to a school where he's not only academically challenged, but one in which he's gotten the opportunity to stretch himself physically and try new sports!  The best part of tennis and golf is that those are lifetime sports.  He can play them for the rest of his life, no torn ACL's or concessions to worry about.

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