Thursday, August 2, 2012

Doing Life Together: Celebrating the Good Times Together!

Have I said lately how much I love the people in my life that I get to "do life" with on a regular basis. My small women's Bible study group has been such a blessing over the last eight years of parenting and I love how over the summer we get to include our kids in the mix.

This summer, we've even attempted to tackle a formal Bible study; Nehemiah with Beth Moore's Summer Siesta group. I won't say it was a home run for all of us due to schedules and vacations, but I sure enjoyed the routine of doing the lesson, talking it over with dear friends, and just keeping myself accountable on being in the Word.  I can't wait for fall to kick off a new study!

In late July, we were blessed when one of the moms invited us to come over for a pool party at her backyard pool.  Trust me there was no need to twist any one's arms.  It had been so super hot around here and the kids were getting a little stir crazy in our house.  Add in the fun kids coming to the pool and our bags were packed early.

Miss A, the human fish, took off on the diving board and the slide.  It seemed like she hardly came up for air except to check out the snack collection.  Miss M had a gaggle of girls and one little boy named J who she was hanging with when she wasn't practicing her underwater handstand.  Mr C, of course, found his posse of young boys to play football and Nerf water guns with (or in other words to torture.) 

In the meantime, I was working on Smurf hats and chatting away with my friends before finally agreeing that the only "cool" place was in the water.  I mean "cool" in the sense of temperature since I've long given up being really cool. 

The best part of the party, however, was the fact that our good friends the W family could be there to share in the fun.  It's been a rough year for them when their son was diagnosed with Leukemia last September.  It's been a year of watching them tackle this hurdle with grace and peace trusting in God. They've been Courageous!  Our group has been thrilled to see God answering prayers for them at every turn and giving them the the patience when the answer is long in coming.

Doing life with good friends who share your faith is what's it all about!

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