Monday, April 30, 2012

Dance Competition Season Winding Down

Saturday was the final dance competition of the year and the team rolled out a new dance that I loved.  It's a jazz number to Mandisa's song "Shackles" and it will really rock your world if you listen to it so take the time!  I'm sure there were people in the audience that had no idea that the song was talking about dancing for Jesus and taking the shackles off our selves that hold us back from praising God fully.
I love that our dance studio is not ashamed of sharing their faith through their music choices!  Miss M loved the costume; its shakes, it shimmers, it's all glitzy and glamour; just her style.  I have the feeling that after the recital in June, she'll be wearing the costume just for fun!  If she wants to be a flapper girl next year for Halloween, we have the costume.  What I love the most is that unlike some of the costumes I witnessed on Saturday it covers everything up.
I told my husband that I've learned now to bring my knitting bag, find a quiet place in the building to sit and knit away, and just go into the auditorium for "our girls" dances.  That way, I don't have to cover my eyes!  It's my way of allowing Miss M to do what she loves without feeling so guilty watching the rest!
Of course, no dance competition would be complete without a little fun with the team; either putting on makeup backstage, hamming it up for the photos, or grabbing a bit of lunch.  Late Saturday when we traveled back home, I told Miss M that for some reason sitting around all day doing nothing just exhausts me.  She of course loved every minute!

Thankfully she'll get plenty of dance in the rest of the month getting ready for the recital. 

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