Miss A has been waiting for months to go to her Favorite Children's Museum. We've planned a few trips that didn't pan out so she was thrilled when I told her Friday was the day. Because the junior high was in session, it meant it was a fun day just for Miss A.
Making the trip even better, we were able to hang out with some good friends. Miss A's friend B, while a few years younger, is such a kick. Since they both have older siblings, they love having the opportunity to be top dog for the day and do their own thing. The fact that B's mom is a great friend is just a bonus.
It was so fun to watch the kids dress up and dance on the stage, practice their best volleyball and football moves, and use their imagination skills to the fullest in this fabulous museum. Miss A is now considering being either a doctor, a vet, or maybe a fireman. She loves the big truck, but she's not so sure she likes the fire hat or jacket. Not quite the fashion statement she wants to make, I guess.
I love watching my children play and fulfilling Miss A's dream of going to the museum was wonderful. Now, she's planning her next day off school and praying that the big kids will be busy elsewhere.
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