I think by the time my kids leave the "nest," I'll have enough funny stories to go on the road as a comedian. Of course, by then, I'll also be ready for the nursing home so maybe I should hit road a little sooner!
Miss A has a new nickname around these parts: "Miss Literal." She takes everything literally. Everything. One of the other classrooms brings out the "playground box" at lunch. It's their job to haul out the balls, jump ropes, and sundry items for the kids to play with outside during recess. Miss A was convinced they only brought it out for their class and not to share. She's yet to use one item out of the box, because it belongs to Mrs. N's class. No convincing on my part or that of her siblings that the toys were for all Kindergarten kids would do. We had to tattle to the teacher, who finally convinced Miss A that it was for everyone!
Sunday in the car, she took Literal to a new level however. After we dropped Miss M off at her softball game, Miss A and I were driving around looking for a parking place. Having just talked the day before about old fashioned Sunday Night Drives when I was child, Miss A quickly pointed out to me that "this does not count as a Sunday Drive, there is no ice cream involved." Here I just thought I was killing time waiting for a spot to clear up in the softball lot.
We've started the High School Search for Mr. C. Don't even get me started on this process and all that I find wrong with how our school system picks who goes to what school, etc. Let's just say that while I "love" our elementary and middle school options, I'm looking around for the best HS for Mr. C. Last Friday was a day off of school so he "shadowed" a student at a local college prep all boys school. He had to get up at normal school time, put on dress pants and dress shirt, and go to school! Oh, the inhumanity of it all.
Suffice to say; he really liked the school, thought the boys were nice and the atmosphere was very excellent for learning. There were no slackers he said. His favorite part, The FOOD, was Excellent. All you could eat, so he helped himself to three milks! Yes that's right we'd be doling out tons of money for a great education and the best part would be the food in Mr. C's mind.
When I said maybe he should think about Boarding at the school (an option, but we are going the Day Student option if it's our choice) he said, "Well I'd miss you all, but the food was good!!"
Miss M is feeling right at home in the Improv Fest group. Last week, they not only practiced for the upcoming performance, they had a special presentation on the 7th and 8th grade Drama Club trip to NYC to see Broadway Shows. Miss M told us to start saving our money, she's going. Not only do they see three shows, they get a tour of NYC sights, stay in a fabulous hotel with 24 hour security right outside their doors, and be a part of all that is New York.
Now, according to her, all she has to do is get over her fear of Elevators. Guess she's not too excited about the stairs at the Empire State Building. She's got at least two years to work on this little phobia or it is the Midwest forever for her.
Fall is officially here and with our entire family is sneezing, coughing, hacking up a lung and suffering from seasonal allergies. It's almost like a symphony around these parts with all the noises coming from various body parts.
Mr. C has been hit the hardest lately and I'll loved his comment on how unfair it is to suffer allergies: "it's no fair that I'm not sick enough to stay home, but I'm sick enough to be miserable. What kind of sickness is that!" Well my son, it is the best kind.