Sunday, January 31, 2010
Rearranging A Few Things: Who Knew It Could Be Fun.
We were trying to figure out where to put the new television, and what side of the room the TV would look the best. Considering there is a huge fireplace and bookcase on one side of the room and the Kitchen and eating area on the other, we are somewhat landlocked or limited in our choices.
However, this did not stop us from having many different ideas. C was so bold as to say that he learned in his Tech & Living Class that all furniture must not go against a "wall." It can "float." What are they teaching kids these days?
My suggestion, of course, requires painting of the walls including the kitchen and maybe looking at the room from a whole new "view" while my husband at first was stuck in his ways and thought we should 1) remove old TV and old Entertainment Unit and 2) put new TV and new Entertainment unit in the same spot. In other words, not change it all.
However, as I kept pushing and moving the furniture around, he started to see things differently (read my way!) and we're ready to make some big changes in the room. Or big things on a very limited budget (new TV and new Entertainment Unit are the only new pieces of furniture for now) which basically means moving the furniture and planning to paint this spring!
After 10 years in our house, it's exciting to think we might be changing it up a little bit around here. It was fun to move the "old" furniture around and see it in different light. Everything old is new again when you look at things in a new way.
Now, I'm the first to admit I'm no Nester. I don't have a flare for decorating. I love my house, but it's not my first love or probably in the top five of things I desire to spend my time or energy on at this time in my life. It's a wonderful home, and while I try to keep it up and looking presentable, it's far from hip or perfect. However, it works for us. It's a haven to come home to and probably the place the rest of my family loves to spend most of its time. Until recently, I loved spending most of my time "out" doing something rather than hanging out at home. I'm now beginning to love being at home as well!
With our "new" family room taking shape this winter, I'm even more excited to spend some time with the family watching movies, having popcorn, and just hanging out!! I'll keep you posted on the changes.
PS: The funniest thing happened as we moved the furniture around yesterday. Miss M, who had been at a sleepover, came home and saw our "mess" with our furniture facing the blank wall and our chairs in front of the current TV. Her comment: "I think I like it. Do you think we should turn those chairs around when we want to watch TV now or have we decided not to have TV in the family room anymore!"
Thursday, January 28, 2010
Buying a New Flat Screen TV: Need Your Help!!
When we first purchased the entertainment center, we were looking for a way to hide our TV. We wanted doors that we could close so we would not have to look at it all the time. While we watch TV, we are don't have it on constantly and really monitor what we are watching so it only seemed right to put the TV behind closed doors.
In the past few years, we've burned through 3 DVR's because we insisted on "covering up" our box behind doors and it got too hot! Guess it needs air and sunshine just like kids.
Now, televisions are like works of art or at least priced like them. You want them displayed prominently and the bigger the better. You can even mount them on the wall like a deer head! They become the centerpiece of your family room. What happened to the good old days of fireplace chats when that was the "screen" everyone looked at. Of course, I realize that now that we are trying to enter the 21st century in our family so we need to get our electronics up to date, too.
Seriously though, the whole researching, reading about and looking at electronics confuses me. I've checked out CNET, talked with the geek squad at the blue and yellow store, and looked on line for any and all information about the difference between plasma and LCD, 1040 vs 620, computer calibrations of the pixels and what size looks best on a new entertainment center without doors.
So, here's my question to you my family of readers: Do you have any suggestions on picking a flat screen TV that does not cost as much as my college education and that will not take over a whole wall in my family room? Anything we need to look for? Avoid? Do we need experts to come in and set it up for us or can we carry it away ourselves from the store and get it set up? Finally, what did you did with your new TV, is it on the wall, on a unit, or just sitting on the floor?
Super Bowl Sunday is just around the corner and electronic stores are going crazy with sales so we hope to have something new in time for Game Day. Plus, I have a donation truck coming on February 8th to take our lovely Hooker Brand Red Cherry Entertainment Center with Big Doors away.
Tuesday, January 26, 2010
In Which I Learn Not to Play Monopoly with a 5 Year Old
Saturday, January 23, 2010
Funny Things I've Head This Week

Thursday, January 21, 2010
Friendship Struggles Start Early

Wednesday, January 20, 2010
WFMW: Kindergarten Roundup the Redshirt Year
Last week, our elementary school held it's Kindergarten Round Up. Now don't ask me why they felt the need to do this in the middle of January when the 2010-2011 school year is 8 months away, but they did!! Of course, all this week Miss A has been asking when does Kindergarten start again.
Since this is my third time through Round Up, I was prepared. I had my little birth certificate in hand, a camera in my purse, and a set of pens ready to fill out all the forms. If pressed into service, I could give the "Welcome to our school speech" the Principal gave without notes. But I loved looking around at the "newbies" who are getting ready to send child number one out into the world. The parents looked almost as nervous as the children.
Miss A was all confident and ready. She walked right out with her "class" or practice class as she called it to see the Kindergarten classroom, do a craft, and have a snack. She loved it. However, she'd like to make it clear that this is not the teacher she's going to have in the fall. Remember that mom!! I guess she's under the impression she gets to pick and that she'll get to pick a few of her "friends" to be in her class, too!
Going through roundup once again and seeing the other kids, the look of confidence on Miss A's face reaffirmed our decision to hold her back a year and wait to start Kindergarten. She seems much more confident, excited, and ready now than she was last spring or summer. Sure she's a little taller than some of the kids in the class, but she also showed some real leadership holding another little girl's hand as they walked away from the cafeteria.
When we got back in the car to head home that morning, the first thing A said was; "well that's over now, let's go home I'm exhausted." Guess it's tough being a pretend Kindergartner for a morning. It reminded me to enjoy these last few months of freedom that we will have together to soak up our time together and play games, read books and go out to lunch with the ladies. Miss A was so excited to get her own Dry Erase Board and Pen and has been copying down "words" ever since.
Gotta go now, Little House in the Big Woods is calling my and Miss A's name.
Kindergarten Roundup during our Redshirt Year Works for Me; for more WFMW check out We Are THAT Family.
Monday, January 18, 2010
Little House on the Prairie the Musical: You've Gotta See It!!

Thursday, January 14, 2010
Lovin' Normal
I love normal.
I love routine.
I even love boring. It's how I roll. Give me a week with a blank calendar and just my normal appointments, activities and errands and I'm one happy momma. I love the fact that my new Beth Moore Bible Study has started and a I have a blank workbook to complete. I love that it's January and my calendar is crisp and clean.
I'm grateful for the blessings of normal.
I realize however for the people of Haiti there is no normal anymore. Their world has been "rocked" in more ways than I can count.
As I've gone through the last couple of days, I've been praying and thinking about mothers in the midst of the earthquake and felt deep sorrow for them. Sorrow that it will be a long time before they get back to "normal."
Our family is blessed to sponsor a little boy through World Vision. He is a young man in Ghana who goes to school, helps his parents, and loves soccer. A child whose life has been changed because of a small gift we send each month. Really not that much, not a great sacrifice, but enough to make a difference and help him and his family have a better "normal." In his Christmas Letter to us, he was so excited to have a "family" in America. He is so proud of his community and his parents who work hard as farmers. He drew us a beautiful picture of his family's house.
World Vision has children in Haiti, too. They are children who are sponsored by families around the globe and get warm meals, education and support. I'm praying for those little children just like I'm praying for our child Shakum in Ghana. Praying that the wonderful ministry that World Vision has been doing in Haiti for years will be an even bigger blessing now as they move forward with rebuilding the country.
It's a blessing to wake up and Praise God for the "normal" and to Plead with God for that blessing for others around the world too!
Friday, January 8, 2010
Family Friendly Movies Friday: The First of the 2010 Reviews

Thursday, January 7, 2010
Gratefulness in the Midst of The "Storm"

2. The windows and doors are keeping out the wind. While it whips up my "huge piles of snow" and makes my back deck look like an ice skating rink, I'm bundled up inside.
Tuesday, January 5, 2010
Winter Winter Go Away
We are not wearing our PJ's inside out tonight. There will be no flushing of toilets at 9 p.m. We are not going to be watching the news hoping to school our district has cancelled school tomorrow.
I'm just like the little boy in the Seuss Classic "I'm Not Going to Get Up Today." I'm not going to take another snow day!!
We just started back to school today after two weeks of Christmas Break. Well, actually, Miss A's preschool started yesterday and since she goes MWF she went, but the big kids went today for the first time in two weeks and 1 day (Monday was a Teacher Work Day!! Yeah that's what I was asking, too!)
However if you watch the news it looks like this might be a one day week as far as school goes....
Evidence That Winter Needs to Take A Hike
1. My car's temperature reading started at 23 degrees today at 8:45- by the time we got to school about 1 mile away it was 4 degrees.
2. When my husband and son waited in hubby's car for the bus this morning at 7 a.m, the temperature was -16 degrees.
3. They are forecasting 4 to 7 more inches of snow tomorrow and we are running out of room to put the stuff. Miss M suggested that we start an assembly line and move the snow to the middle of our front yard or better yet Mr. C thinks maybe we should shotput it over the house to the backyard. Our driveway can't fit anymore. Soon, we won't be able to see our next door neighbors.
4. Most of the side streets in our fine city has been turned into one ways- they are too narrow for two cars. Today alone I had to back up once to let a car through, and waited in many a opening in front of driveway to let the other car pass me.
5. My daughter's teacher sent home some Reading homework that is not due until the 12th-thinking she might not see the kids again until Monday!!
6. Today, at Target, we restocked our pantry and fridge because I refuse to go outside my home when the temperature is -30 plus like they say it will be on Friday. I actually thought about buying powdered milk to keep "just in case," but wasn't willing to go that far.
7. We checked out movies today at Family Video and the gentleman said not to worry because they weren't due back until Sunday. "You should be able to get out by then!"
8. Finally, I'm at the point that I can't stand the smell of Hot Chocolate anymore. I've made so many pints/gallons of the stuff this winter for kids coming inside from the "shoveling, sledding and freezing" that I'm just sick of it. Today, I bought Apple Cider for a change of pace.
So, Old Man Winter take a hike. Usher in some sunshine, temps above freezing, and some snow melt and I'll be happy once again to talk about how it's not to bad to live in the Midwest. Our winters are mild and our summers are delightful.
What was Mr. Gore saying about Global Warming. Right about now, we could use a little right over my "neck of the woods."
Sunday, January 3, 2010
Getting Out of Town: Top 10 Reasons A Winter Get Away Works
We just got back yesterday after a few days at our family Lake House. Realizing that we live in the middle of the country and the temps have been below zero with frigid windchills for days, you might wonder why it was worth it to pack up half the house and head to a frozen lake.