Today, I saw first hand the future of a government run health care system. It scares me to death. While I tend to keep my political views quiet on this blog, I cannot remain silent on this important issue facing our country.
I caught a glimpse into what it might mean to me and my family if the government runs our health care system. I saw what it might mean if the government decides who gets care, how that care is dispensed and delivered, and when and where it is available.
You see, I want my youngest to get the H1N1 "Swine Flu" vaccine. My oldest has already had the swine flu back in July and while the rest of us escaped it then, I'm concerned that if Miss A got the swine flu she might have a hard time fighting it off. She has a tendency to get really sick when she's sick as in two cases of pneumonia and a case of mono in the past three years. This fall she's already had a case of croup which our doctor treated aggressively due to her tendency to get pneumonia.
My Pediatrician's office does not have the swine flu mist or shot. My own family practice doctor doesn't either. They both recommended the free Flu Shot Clinic today at a mid-town church today. It's suppose to be for high risk patient such as kids, pregnant women, and those with underlying health issues.
After a quick checkup with the Ear Doctor and a visit to the Library, A and I were off to get the shot. I should have guessed how silly my dreams of us just walking up and getting the shot were when the Ear Specialists laughed at me and said I should call my pediatrician back and ask again for the shot at his office. His nurse added, "I think there were 4000 people lined up before the doors opened."
Yes, that's right, 4000 people lined up an hour before the clinic opened to get 5000 vaccines during an 11 hour clinic.
A and I drove by at 10:30 this morning and there were at least 2500 people standing outside wrapping around the entire church building. There were police and squad cars everywhere. People in line had chairs, books, strollers and were bundled up against the 45 degree weather.
At the rate of 500 shots an hour, we'd be there 8 hours if there were 4000 people waiting. I later learned that by 12:30, only 1400 people had been vaccinated. The line was still from here to eternity.
Here's my thoughts on this:
1. Is this really the most efficient way to get the vaccine out to small children and at-risk adults by having them stand outside in the elements for hours on end?
2. Why didn't they distribute these shots to the Doctors and let them run clinics in their offices and have people sign up in advance for time slots. That's how we do it with the seasonal flu shot.
3. Don't the people in line have something better to do with their time than wait hours on end? What about jobs, other kids, responsibilities?
4. If the government knew about the Swine Flu last spring and was deeply concerned about the effects, why did they make so little vaccine?
5. Is this what the new "Health Care System by the Government" is going to look. Waiting in endless lines, unknown quantities of the medicine available, and the public health worker doing the job of doctors and nurses?
6. Is our society really reduced to standing in line for hours on end because it is either the only source available for the shot or because it is free? Isn't there a more productive use of our time than this?
7. Why were there so many able bodied adults in that line today? If the shot was primarily for children, why do news reports show that nearly 2/3 rds of those in line had no children with them. If they were really at risk adults with underlining health issues, should they be standing around for hours? Don't they have doctors that could have already provided them with the shot? Can't we as a society come up with a better way to help these individuals then making them wait?
My husband said welcome to the "future of health care." The line was long today because the government has scared us about the effects of the Swine Flu and then double sworded us with not having the right amount of vaccine to combat it. We've ingrained into the less fortunate that their time is not worth anything. They can wait in lines for unemployment benefits, thanksgiving baskets of food, Salvation Army Christmas gifts so what is one more line. Let's show them some respect. Their time is valuable, too If our government doesn't realize that for these folks then how can they be expected to think anyone's time is worth anything.
I would have gladly paid for the vaccine. I would have gone to a Flu Shot clinic at my doctor's office and wait my turn for an appointment. However, I will not stand in an endless line, outside in the cold, with a huge crowd waiting. I honestly think Miss A would have had a greater chance of catching something standing around waiting in that line than she does anywhere else.
I realize that I'm blessed to have a husband who has a good job that provides health care coverage for our family. Health Care that we've have fully used in the past few years far more than we've paid into the system. But we've also done the responsible thing and chosen to take that Health Care Plan. We pay out of pocket the difference between the company contribution and the cost and it's not cheap!
Until today, I've sat on the sidelines and had not thought that how the Public (Government Run) Option would really effect me that much. I thought I was sheltered by the great health insurance we currently have. However, today, I saw that it does effect me. If this is the future of health care in America then I'm worried. What will this government system do to the health insurance industry? What will it do to the Doctors and Nurses who have spent countless hours studying and practicing medicine.?
My husband wrote a note today to our U.S. Senator telling him to please watch the local coverage on this Free Shot Clinic and the chaos that ensued.
They say that the reason State Run Health Care works in countries like the UK and Canada is that their wealthy can afford to come to the United States for care when they need it rather than wait around for government approval or access.
I have seen the future and I am scared. Consider this a friendly warning to wake up. Where do we think we can go when the system doesn't work for us? If we are the last line of defense for other "government healthy countries" we'll be stuck with no other option.
There has to be a better way!