I'm new to organizing junkie's Menu Plan Monday, but I've been planning menus at home for the past 15 years.
When we were first married I'd write my weekly menu out on a piece of paper and post it on the fridge. P says that whenever I posted "Chicken Wok" on Friday night he knew we'd be eating out. Guess I never had the right chicken or Chinese veggies on hand!
Oh Friday night dinners out, what a memory!!
If you walked into my house now you'd see a dry erase calendar on the Fridge with the daily schedule and the menu posted. Most of the time I stick to the plan, purchase the food needed and get cracking, but there are days that I'll look at the menu and think yuck! That's when Spaghetti and Meatballs make the dinner plates.
My husband is so use to this way of planning the meals that he'll even call sometimes from the office and ask what we are having for dinner so he doesn't duplicate the food at lunch.
This week's menu is a little on the easy side as we transition from summer cookouts and late dinners to school, dance, and all the meetings and practices that happen here from September - May.
Monday: Taco Soup with Cheese and baked taco chips; fresh fruit for dessert
Tuesday: Sexy Joes with Turkey Meat (Biggest Loser Cookbook) with Sweet Potato Oven Fries.
Wednesday: Pork Chops in Country Gravy (Cooking Light Complete p 330) with Noodles and fresh green beans. Pinneapple Salad.
Thursday: Lazy Lasagna (Cooking Light p 265) with a tomato,cucumber and red onion salad in Hendrickson's Dressing.
Friday: Bacon Wrapped Sirloin with Girl Scout Potatoes and Fresh/Frozen Corn.
I've tried to include the cookbook the recipe has come from for reference; but a lot of my recipes are from friends, magazines and the web. I'll try to figure out how to link to them this week.
Girl Scout Potatoes Recipe: Russet Potatoes or Yukon Gold peeled and cut in thin slices placed in aluminum foil with onions, butter or substitute, salt and pepper and either grilled slowly on the grill or placed in the oven for 45 minutes at 350 degrees. Favorite from childhood. The thinner the potato piece the better as they get stuck to the foil and crisp up. YUMMY.
I'm excited to go check your menus this week.
What a great menu! I like to check out the Sexy Joe recipe.
I love the menu memories. I will usually put leftovers on Saturday which would result in ordering out (I normally don't eat leftovers).
Have a great week!
Great menu! Welcome to posting your menu (I used to do what you did too, until I found Laura @ O.J.'s!).
Have a super great week, Kiy
that looks like a great week planned!
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